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Browser API covered
Rémi BOURGAREL edited this page Jul 20, 2020
1 revision
Those are the first API covered, more will come, please Open an issue if you think some API might be valuable. The C# Api should be as close as possible to the JS API.
All the window method/properties/events will also work if you use it on frames , parent, or opened window
- window
- window.history
- history.length
- history.scrollRestoration
- history.go
- history.back
- history.forward
- history.state
- history.pushState
- history.replaceState
- window.frames
- window.frames[i]
- window.frames.length
- window.console
- window.console.assert
- window.console.clear
- window.console.count
- window.console.countReset
- window.console.debug
- window.console.dir
- window.console.dirXml
- window.console.error
- window.console.group
- window.console.groupEnd
- window.console.log
- window.console.profile
- window.console.profileEnd
- window.console.table
- window.console.time
- window.console.timeEnd
- window.console.timeLog
- window.console.timeStamp
- window.console.trace
- window.navigator
- navigator.appCodeName
- navigator.appName
- navigator.appVersion
- navigator.getBattery()
- battery.charging
- battery.chargingTime
- battery.dischargingTime
- battery.level
- navigator.connection
- navigator.connection.downLink
- navigator.connection.downLinkMax
- navigator.connection.effectiveType
- navigator.connection.rtt
- navigator.connection.saveData
- navigator.connection.type
- navigator.connection.onchange
- navigator.cookieEnabled
- navigator.hardwareConcurrency
- navigator.geolocation
- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition()
- navigator.geolocation.watchPosition()
- navigator.javaEnabled()
- navigator.language
- navigator.languages
- navigator.maxTouchPoints
- navigator.mimeTypes
- mimeType.type
- mimeType.suffix
- mimeType.description
- mimeType.plugin
- navigator.online
- navigator.platform
- navigator.plugins
- plugin.name
- plugin.fileName
- plugin.description
- plugin.version
- navigator.storage
- navigator.storage.estimate()
- navigator.storage.persist()
- navigator.storage.persisted()
- navigator.userAgent
- navigator.canShare()
- navigator.registerProtocolHandler()
- navigator.sendBeacon()
- navigator.share()
- navigator.vibrate()
- window.parent
- window.opener
- window.innerHeight
- window.innerWidth
- window.locationBar
- window.menuBar
- window.localStorage / window.sessionStorage
- storage.length
- storage.key
- storage.getItem
- storage.setItem
- storage.clear
- storage.removeItem
- window.name
- window.outerHeight
- window.outerWidth
- window.performance
- performance.timeOrigin
- performance.clearMeasures
- performance.clearMarks
- performance.clearResourceTimings
- performance.getEntries
- performance.getEntriesByName
- performance.getEntriesByType
- performance.mark
- performance.measure
- performance.now
- performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize
- performance.onResourceTimingBufferFull
- window.personalbar
- window.screen
- screen.availWidth
- screen.availHeight
- screen.colorDepth
- screen.orientation.type
- screen.orientation.angle
- screen.orientation.onchange
- screen.orientation.lock
- screen.orientation.unlock
- screen.pixelDepth
- screen.width
- window.screenX
- window.screenY
- window.scrollBars
- window.scrollX
- window.scrollY
- window.statusBar
- window.toolBar
- window.top
- window.visualViewport
- visualViewport.offsetLeft
- visualViewport.offsetTop
- visualViewport.pageLeft
- visualViewport.pageTop
- visualViewport.width
- visualViewport.height
- visualViewport.scale
- visualViewport.resize
- visualViewport.scroll
- window.alert
- window.blur
- window.close
- window.confirm
- window.focus
- window.moveBy
- window.moveTo
- window.open
- window.postMessage
- window.onmessage
- window.print
- window.prompt
- window.requestAnimationFrame
- window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame
- window.requestIdleCallback
- window.cancelRequestIdleCallback
- window.resizeBy
- window.resizeTo
- window.scroll
- window.scrollBy
- window.stop
- window.onappinstalled
- window.onerror
- window.onlanguagechange
- window.onorientationchange
- window.onbeforeinstall
- window.onhashchange
- window.ondevicemotion
- window.ondeviceorientation
- window.onafterprint
- window.onbeforeprint
- window.onbeforeunload
- window.onblur
- window.onclose
- window.OnContextMenu
- window.onfocus
- window.onload
- window.onoffline
- window.ononline
- window.onpagehide
- window.onpopstate
- window.onresize
- window.onscroll
- window.onwheel
- window.onstorage
- window.onunload
- window.history