Grunt multi-task for discovering orphaned files in a JS directory.
This task is designed to help you identify unused files that exist in a project's JS directories; files that are no longer referenced as dependencies by your entrypoints, but remain in the filesystem.
npm install --save-dev grunt @retailmenot/grunt-orphans
In your Gruntfile:
orphans: {
options: {
// List of file extensions you want to consider
// when discovering orphans
fileExtensions: ['.js', '.hbs'],
// List of files, that, even if detected as orphans
// will not result in the task failing. Useful if you
// reference or use some files in your app that are
// not dependencies of your greater JS build.
whitelist: [
// do not complain if
main: {
options: {
// Path to your webpack.config.js (optional).
// This will help madge with path resolution
// and module aliasing as it walks your dependencies
webpackConfig: 'path/to/webpack.config.js',
// The directory from which module references
// in your codebase are relative.
baseDir: 'scripts/',
// Glob for all of the files that should be
// treated as entrypoints and serve as the
// starting point for madge to discover your
// codebase's dependencies.
entryFileGlob: 'scripts/pages/*.js'
// Tells the task the list of files to look at. It will
// complain about any files specified in this array that
// are not in the dependency tree for any files matching
// options.entryFileGlob.
files: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'scripts',
src: ['**/*.js', '**/*.hbs']
# create an orphaned file in your scripts directory
$ touch scripts/orphan.js
$ grunt orphans
Running "orphans:main" (orphans) task
>> Oprhaned file: scripts/orphan.js
Warning: Found 1 orphaned files. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
# Remove the script
$ rm scripts/orphan.js
$ grunt orphans
Running "orphans:main" (orphans) task