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New emulator acquisition

Jamiras edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 1 revision

This page is intended for RetroAchievements github administrators. It details how to uptake a user-provided repository for a new emulator.

Clone the repository

Assuming they following the steps outlined in Creating a new emulator, they should have three branches we care about: master, source, and whichever branch is associated to the PR

$ git clone
$ cd RANes
$ git checkout RANes

Compile and test the emulator. If there are any major issues note them in the PR - minor issues can be addressed after localizing the repository. If not, proceed to the next step.

Create an RA repository

Create a new repository in the RetroAchievements github, set it as upstream for the repository:

$ git checkout master
$ git remote add upstream
$ git push upstream master
$ git checkout source
$ git push upstream source

Merge the changes

Fork the new repository into your github

$ git remote add origin
$ git checkout RANes
$ git push -u origin RANes

And create the PR from your repository to the master repository.

Clone this wiki locally