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E-Commerce concept app made with Jetpack Coxmpose and Material3

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📸 Screenshots!

🔮 Features

  • Minimalist and Clean UI thanks to Gloria Ntawuruhunga for the design material

  • Carousel to show highlights product

  • Search and Checkout Feature

  • Random user generator thanks to Mockaroo for providing dummy user data

📖 Description

Luxmarket is a concept e-commerce app built with Jetpack Compose and Material 3 with clean architecture impementation. This App does not use any local or online databases instead, it uses JSON and hard-coded data for the data source, which would look like this in the repository class. :

    private val _carts = MutableSharedFlow<List<CartItem>>(replay = 1)
    private val _sharedFavorites = MutableSharedFlow<List<Int>>(replay = 1)
    private val _cartsCounter = MutableSharedFlow<Int>(replay = 1)

    val sharedFavorites: SharedFlow<List<Int>> = _sharedFavorites
    val sharedCarts: SharedFlow<List<CartItem>> = _carts
    val cartsCounter: SharedFlow<Int> = _cartsCounter
    private val users: List<User> = Json.decodeFromStream("User.json"))

    init {
        externalScope.launch {

You can try the apps from release folder or here