This project contains the analysis of a coffee shop's sales data. The dataset includes orders, products, and customer information stored in a single Excel file. Data cleaning and transformation were performed using Power Query Editor, and visualizations were created using Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in Excel.
: The main Excel file containing three sheets with
: Documentation file providing an overview of the project and analysis steps.data_cleaning_and_transformation.pq
: Power Query script for data cleaning and transformation.visualizations.xlsx
: Excel file with Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts for visualization.
The primary dataset used for this analysis is the , containing informations about a coffee sale in three different countries.
- Excel
- Power Query Editor
The dataset is stored in coffeeOrdersData.xlsx and includes the following sheets:
- Product ID
- Coffee Type
- Roast Type
- Size
- Unit Price
- Price per 100g
- Profit
- Customer ID
- Customer Name
- Phone Number
- Address Line1
- City
- Country
- Postcode
- Loyalty Card
- Order ID
- Order Date
- Customer ID
- Product ID
- Quantity
- Customer Name
- Country
- Coffee Type
- Roast Type
- Size
- Unit Price
- Price per 100g
- Profit
Data cleaning and transformation were performed using Power Query Editor. The steps included:
- Loading Data: Importing data from the coffeeOrdersData.xlsx file.
- Handling Missing Values: Identifying and filling in or removing missing data.
- Correcting Data Types: Ensuring that numerical columns are set to the correct data type and dates are recognized correctly.
- Merging Data: Merging Orders, Products, and Customers sheets to create a comprehensive dataset for analysis.
- Creating Calculated Columns: Adding columns such as Sales_Amount, Month, Year and Day from Date column to facilitate analysis.
The Power Query script used for these steps is saved as data_cleaning_and_transformation.pq.
It is an approach to analyse the dataset to summarise their main characteristics by using visual methods.
EDA involved in this project to explore the sales data to answer the following questions:
- What is the overall coffee sales trends?
- How many people holds Loyalty card based on country?
- Which coffee type are top sellers?
- Which country made high sales?
Visualizations were created using Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in Excel to explore and analyze the cleaned data. Key visualizations include:
- Sales trend analysis: A Line chart with markers displays the sales trends over time.
- Product Performance: A stacked line chart comparing sales of different types of coffee.
- Customer Location Analysis: Clustered bar chart visualizes sales distribution by customer location based on their coffee type.
- Customer Loyalty: A clustered bar char displays the total customers that holds loyalty cards in different country.
The visualizations are saved in the visualizations.xlsx file.
To replicate the analysis:
- Open the coffee_shop.xlsx file in Excel.
- Use Power Query Editor to load and transform the data according to the steps outlined in data_cleaning_and_transformation.pq.
- Create Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts based on the transformed data to visualize and analyze sales trends.
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