Layla UI is a React UI library that provides a set of unstyled customizable UI components.
Layla UI is available as an npm package.
npm install layla-ui-library
Here is an example using a Button
import * as React from "react";
import { Button } from "layla-ui-library";
function App() {
return <Button>Next</Button>;
Components are unstyled and compatible with any styling solution, giving you full control.
import styled from "styled-components";
import { Button } from "layla-ui-library";
export const StyledButton = styled(Button)`
background-color: #ff0000;
Class attribute
import { Button } from "layla-ui-library";
import "./styles.css";
function App() {
return <Button className="styledButton">Next</Button>
export default App;
// styles.css
.styledButton {
background-color: #000000;
The changelog is regularly updated to reflect what's changed in each new release.