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Rico Suter edited this page May 7, 2023 · 23 revisions

This roadmap may change.

NSwag v14

NSwag v13

NSwag v12 and NJsonSchema v10

  • Support for OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0:
  • Use Api Explorer (ASP.NET Core):
  • New template engine: Use DotLiquid as template engine instead of T4 (.NET Standard 1.3):
    • Clean up template models as they "officially" become public API
    • Add more extension points and add support for file-based template overrides (for much more customizations)
    • DONE: First implementation can be enabled with UseLiquidTemplates and used with TemplateDirectory (NJS)
  • Real TypeScript integration tests (i.e. create Angular and Fetch projects with unit tests calling the api) help wanted
  • Generate artifacts (i.e. classes/interfaces) instead of a single file (TS & CS)
    • This way you can generate files into different projects
    • Source control diffing is more clear
    • Custom namespace per artifact and correct imported namespaces
  • Fix $ref loading in NJS (try to use lazy deserialization for "definitions", etc)

NSwag v11 and NJsonSchema v9