Minecraft saves of Ganzhou Middle School (both JAVA and Bedrock edition).
Built to memorize the school that we stayed for 7 years, and to keep her beauty forever...
- Update record (Baidu Tieba)
- 教学区+宿舍pc存档展示
- 【Minecraft】光与影的交相辉映——赣州中学的日夜更替
- 【超还原大赛】【Minecraft×江西省赣州中学】时光荏苒,母校永恒
2014/04/26 - 2014/09/20, contributed by _mikuappend, man6656.
2014/09/30 - 2014/12/20, contributed by _mikuappend.
2016/07/24 - 2016/07/28, contributed by _mikuappend, man6656.
2016/07/29 - 2016/12/31, contributed by _mikuappend.
2016/07/28 - 2016/11/13, contributed by _mikuappend.
2016/11/13 - 2017/03/11, contributed by _mikuappend.
2017/06/14 - 2017/07/01, contributed by _mikuappend.
2017/07/03 - 2017/07/21, contributed by _mikuappend.
2017/07/13 - 2017/07/13, contributed by 斯文路人甲 (first edition), _mikuappend.
2017/07/15 - 2017/08/15, contributed by _mikuappend, yll (base), 神奈川冲赛艇 (base), LIuS_ (decoration).
2017/07/16 - 2017/08/11, contributed by _mikuappend, LIuS_ (decoration).
2017/07/25 - 2017/07/26, contributed by _mikuappend.
2017/08/01 - 2017/08/11, contributed by _mikuappend.
2021/01/19 - 2021/01/21, contributed by _mikuappend, man6656, Gyria.
2021/01/21 - 2021/01/27, contributed by _mikuappend, A_passer (base framework), LIuS_ (decoration), man6656, Cipher (knowledge).
Drone aerial photography: BuckForce.
Dormitory region B materials: 杨.
Indoor swimming pool materials: Mr. Yang.
Blueprint: Intelligent Student Card Studio.