This repository contains an Expenditure Manager application that integrates Spring Boot and MongoDB to create a robust RESTful API for managing expenditures. The application facilitates CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on expenditure records.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data MongoDB
- MongoDB Compass
- Java 17
- Maven
- MongoDB Compass
Add Expenditure: Create a new expenditure
- Method: POST
- Endpoint: /api/expenditure
- Request Body: JSON data representing the new expenditure
Update Expenditure: Update an existing expenditure
- Method: PUT
- Endpoint: /api/expenditure
- Request Body: JSON data representing the updated expenditure
Get All Expenditures: Retrieve a list of all expenditures
- Method: GET
- Endpoint: /api/expenditure
Get Expenditure by Name: Retrieve an expenditure by its name
- Method: GET
- Endpoint: /api/expenditure/{name}
Delete Expenditure: Delete an expenditure by its ID
- Method: DELETE
- Endpoint: /api/expenditure/{id}
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