An open source declaration of love! 🌹
I ❤ this project by Dan Eden. The idea of the timeline of love is so cute and fun.
I'm going to play around with it and come up with some fun little framework, script or maybe use Jekyll to quickly generate love timelines
I know there are already done cool tools out there for creating timelines etc, but they are all a bit to formal, this needs to be fun 🎉 and pretty 😚
Was thinking it could also be done for kiddies milestones.
######AND it can't be to detailed, otherwise it will turn into Facebook, but even more retarded!
Putting it on the to do list!😉
#####To Do:
- Check out other timeline tools
- Decide on how I'm going to do it, micro-framework, script, generator, tool
- Write slick code
- Test it
- Make it pretty
- Share the love ❤