A simple JetBrains 42 School unofficial header plugin.
Key Features • How To Use • Download • Contributing • Credits • License
- Configurable header template
- Customizable shortcut
- Auto update on save
- Toggleable notifications
- Support all jetbrains ide versions between 2020 and latest ones.
- Cross IDE
- PyCharm, CLion, Intellij Idea, PhpStorm, ...
The plugin is really simple to use, you can use it by pressing CTRL-H if you want to force update or generate a header. Otherwise, the plugin will auto update headers on save.
Before using the plugin you'll have to configure it:
File > Settings > 42 Headers
You can disable auto update on save and notifications if you want to.
Note: You can change the shortcut in File > Settings > Keymap
You can download the plugin directly from the Jetbrains Marketplace or manually.
👤 Roch Blondiaux
- Website: roch-blondiaux.com
- GitHub: @RochBlondiaux
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
I was inspired by the following plugins:
This project is MIT licensed.