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What is EC2?

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  • It mainly consists in the capacity of:
    • Renting virtual machines (EC2)
    • Store data on virtual drives (EBS)
    • Distributing load across machines (Elastic Load Balance - ELB)
    • Scaling the services using an auto-scaling group (ASG)
  • Knowing EC2 is fundamental to understand how the Cloud works.

Amazon Update - Linux 1 vs Linux 2

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  • Amazon Linux 1 uses sysvinit for launching the services.
  • Amazon Linux 2 uses systemd for launching the services.
  • Overall, the general idea is the exact same

Amazon EC2 Basics

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  • On AWS console go to Services > Compute > EC2

  • On Resources we can see that we don't have anything yet for this region. It says:

      0 Instances
      0 Volumes
      0 Key Pairs

Create a New Instance

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > instances > instance

    1. Click on Launch instances

    2. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

      • In our case we are going to choose a free tier of Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type

    3. Choose an Instance Type

      • Instance types is basically how big our instance is going to be
      • For now we are going to use the Free tier eligible
      • Then click on Next: Configure Instance Details

    4. Configure Instance Details

      • For now make sure to set:

          Number of Instances: 1
          Network: (default)
          Subnet: subnet ... | Default in ... a
          Shutdown behavior: Stop
      • Then click on Next: Add Storage

    5. Add Storage

      • Here we can the see the volume type, the path and the size of the disc.
      • click on Next: Add Tags

    6. Add Tags

      • Tags aren't necessary right now
      • Click on Next: Configure Security Group
    7. Configure Security Group

      • Here we are going to create a new security group
      • We are going to call it, my-first-instance
      • For now, leave it the Port Range (22) and Source ( as it is. We are going to change later
      • Then click on Review and Launch

    8. Review Instance Launch

      • Here we can review all the setting of our machine
      • Then click on Launch

      • It will prompt a popup asking to select an existing key pair or create a new key pair

        • A key pair consists of a public key that AWS stores, and a private key file that you store. Together, they allow you to connect to your instance securely. For Windows AMIs, the private key file is required to obtain the password used to log into your instance. For Linux AMIs, the private key file allows you to securely SSH into your instance.
        • Note: The selected key pair will be added to the set of keys authorized for this instance. Learn more about removing existing key pairs from a public AMI.
        • ATTENTION never share the Key Pair, it contains the private ssh key
        • Since we don't have a key pair, we are going to create one

          • In my case I named as EC2-Roger-Takeshita
          • After that, Download Key Pair (EC2-Roger-Takeshita.pem File)
            • The .pem file, contains our private key that
              -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
              ADFAlSgc3L/fasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf/bASDTqEUbB4lHsn S/6asdfasasH9M=
              -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
          • Then click on Launch Instances

    9. Launch Status

      • Click on View Instance

    10. Instances

      • Here we can see that we have an instance running

Stop an Instance

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  • If you are not using an instance and want to save some money. We can stop an instance by

    • Right Click > Instance State > Stop

SSH Into EC2 Instance

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  • SSH is one of the most important function. It allows you to control a remote machine, all using the command line.
  • SSH will allow us to connect to our EC2 Instance on Port 22 that we configured on Step 7

Connecting Via Terminal

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  • To connect to our EC2 instance using SSH via terminal, we have to get:

    • The Port: Port 22

    • Public DNS:

      • Or through Public IPv4 address:

    1. Open up the terminal

    2. Type ssh -i ./path-to-your-private-key ec2-user@your-dns

      • ssh ./EC2-Roger-Takeshita.pem

      • The first time we try to access our ssh, It will display a warning saying UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!

        • Permission 0644 for ./EC2-Roger-Takeshita.pem are too open

      • We need to change the permission to 400 - Permission 400 means that is only allowed for owner to read

        • The command to change the permission is chmod 400
          • chmod 400 EC2-Roger-Takeshita.pem
          • We only do this one time per .pem file
      • After that, we just run the same command again

        • ssh ./EC2-Roger-Takeshita.pem

    3. Type exit to close the connection to your EC2


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  • A quick and easier way to connect to EC2, is to configure the ssh config file

  • On your terminal type code ~/.ssh/config, then add:

      Host my-first-instance
      User ec2-user
      IdentityFile ~/path/EC2-Roger-Takeshita.pem
  • To connect, just run ssh my-first-instance

Security Groups

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  • Security Groups are the fundamental of network security in AWS
  • They control how traffic is allowed or denied into or out of our EC2 Machines
  1. On AWS Console > Instances
  • Click on Security Tab

  1. On Security Tab

    • We can check our Inbound and Outbound
    • Click on sg-07d3e6e243ba033d2 (my-first-instance)
  2. On sg-07d3e6e243ba033d2 - my-first-instance

    • Click on Edit inbound rules

    • If we delete our Inbound rule, this will block all connections

    • In our case we are going to change the Source, from custom to MyIp. This will automatically get our Ip Address. And only connections from this Ip Address is allowed to connect to your EC2 instance.

    • NOTE Home internet changes the Ip weekly, so If your try to connect to your EC2 instance, and the connection times out, probably you are using a different IP.

EC2 User Data

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  • It is possible to boostrap our instances using an EC2 User Data script
  • bootstraping means launching commands when a machine starts
  • The script is only run once at the instance first start
  • EC2 user data is used to automate boot tasks such as:
    • Installing updates
    • Installing softwares
    • Downloading common files from the internet

Installing Apache HTTP Manually

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  • On Instances > Security Groups > ... - my first instance > Edit inbounds rules

    • Adde a new inbound rule to allow http access

  • After enabling http, we need to install http on our EC2

    • On terminal, SSH into our EC2

    • Install the following commands

        sudo su
        yum update
        yum install -y httpd.x86_64
        systemctl start httpd.service
        systemctl enable httpd.service
    • On the browser we now can access our EC2 page

Installing Apache HTTP Using Script

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  • To install Apache while creating a new instance. On Configure Instance Details

    • On Advanced Details

      • Set the User Data As text
      • Paste the following command:
        • The #!/bin/bash is necessary so AWS can understand that this is a Bash file
        yum update
        yum install -y httpd.x86_64
        systemctl start httpd.service
        systemctl enable httpd.service

EC2 Logs

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  • To check the instances log, you just need to Right Click > Instance Settings > Get System Log

AMAZON Machine Images (AMI)

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  • As we saw, AWS comes with base images such as:

    • Ubuntu
    • Fedora
    • RedHad
    • Windows
  • These images can be customized at run tim using EC2 User Data

  • It's also possible to create images of our machine so we can use them to build instantiate a new instance (like a recovery disk). Where we have all the drivers updated and softwares installed.

  • Advantages

    • Pre-installed packages needed
    • Faster boot time (no need for EC2 User Data at boot time)
    • Machine comes configured with monitoring / enterprise software
    • Control of maintenance and updates of AMIs over time
    • Active Directory Integration out of the box
    • Installing your app ahead of time (for faster deploys when auto-scaling)
    • Using someone elses AMI that is optimized for running an APP, DB, etc...
    • AMI are built for a specific AWS region
  • On EC2 Console > Images > AMIs

Create an AMI

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  • We are going o create a new AMI with the following softwares installed:

    • Ubuntu Updates
    • Java 8
    • Java Webserver - An app that we are going to download from GitHub
  • We are going to use AMI for:

    • Auto scaling
    • Load balancing
    • Troubleshooting and choosing the right EC2 instance type

Config an Image

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  1. Start fresh with a new instance

  2. SSH into this new instance

  3. Install manually

      # upgrade machine
      sudo yum update -y
      # install java 8 jdk
      sudo yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
      # set java jdk 8 as default
      sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
         # It'll ask to select the version os the java that you want to use
      sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config javac
         # It'll ask to select the version os the java that you want to use
      # verify java 8 is the default
      java -version
      # Change dir to root folder
      cd /home/ec2-user
      # Download app - Java Webserver
         # Basically the wget will got github's page, into release page and will download the c2-masterclass-sample-app.jar file (v1.0 Release)
      # Run server
      java -Xmx700m -jar ec2-masterclass-sample-app.jar
         # java                           - this command will run java
         # -Xmx700m                       - will allocate 700MB of memory for this application
         # -jar                           - to announce where the jar is
         # ec2-masterclass-sample-app.jar - the file name

  4. Start Server

    • After running the command, we can see that Spark has started ...

    • And our application is running on port 4567

    • If we try to access this webpage on the browser, It won't do nothing. Because we have a security group issue. We need to add the port 4567 to our inbound ports.

    • Now if we try again to access our website

    • A few available commands

      • - Fibonacci
      • - Starts to fill the RAM
      • - RAM status
      • - Clean the RAM
      • - Health
      • - Returns the details of the request
    • Ctrl+c - Stop the application

  5. Automate start server during boot boot time

    • Copy the following command and paste on your terminal
      sudo bash -c 'cat << \EOF > /etc/systemd/system/ec2sampleapp.service
      Description=EC2 Sample App
      ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -Xmx700m -jar /home/ec2-user/ec2-masterclass-sample-app.jar

    ATTENTION Remove the spaces from the beginning of each command if you are copying from this page

  6. Set the permissions to start our application across reboots

    • Enable on boot

      • sudo systemctl enable ec2sampleapp.service
    • Start now

      • sudo systemctl start ec2sampleapp.service
  7. Reboot - after configuring the machine

    • sudo reboot

Create an Image

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances then Right Click > Image > Create Image

  • On Create Image

    • Image name: EC2-Sample-Java-Server

    • Image description: EC2 machine that runs our Java server

    • Click on Create image

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Images > AMIs

    • We can check the status of our image

    • Note: every time we create a new image, the EC2 will reboot. This can prevent corrupting the image.

Start a New Instance From AMI

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Images > AMIs

    • Right Click > Launch

    • And then the rest of the process is the same as when we created a new instance manually.

Public AMIs

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  • We can get other AMIs from other developer (free)

  • We can also pay for other people's AMI by the hour

    • Optimised the image
    • The machine is easy to run and configure
    • We just rent the "expertise" from the AMI creator
  • AMI can be found and published on the Amazon Marketplace

    • ATTENTION don't use an AMI that you don't trust

AMI Storage - Amazon S3

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  • Your AMI take space and they live in Amazon S3
  • Amazon S3 is a durable, cheap an resilient storage where most of our backups will live (but we wont' see them in the S3 console).
  • By default all our AMI are private and locked for our account and region.
  • We can also make ours AMIs public and share them with other AWS accounts or sell them on the AMI Marketplace.

Choosing The Right EC2 Instance Type

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  • Instances have 5 distinct characteristics advertised on the website:

    • The RAM (type, amount, generation)
    • The CPU (type, make, frequency, generation, number of cores)
    • The I/O (disk performance, EBS optimizations)
    • The Network (network bandwidth, network latency)
    • The Graphical Processing Unit (GPU)
  • There are over 50 types

  • EC2Instances.Info

RAM (Random Access Memory)

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  • If our EC2 doesn't have enough memory, following errors may occur

    • OutOfMemory error
    • The RAM will extend to the disk (it's called swapping, and it's way slower)

RAM in EC2

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  • Some EC2 machines come with a lot amount of RAM for cheap

    • These machines are R generation or X1 (if you have a lot of money)
    • You should use them if your application requires a lot of memory
  • Monitor memory usage:

    • free -m command, display the available memory

    • top command, display all the running process

      • To sort the items by memory usage

        • Shitf + F

        • Then move around with the arrow keys (up and down)

        • s to set to sort by this selected item

        • q to go back

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

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  • The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is a piece of hardware that carries out the instructions of a computer program.

  • It performs the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of a computer system.

  • When is CPU Used

    • Anytime your server needs to perform a computation, or an instruction, the CPU will be used.

    • The CPU is always active, as your computer always processes actions

    • You can use the top command to find the current amount of CPU being used.

    • If the CPU is not fast enough or does not have enough cores, you'll get:

      • CPU usage of each core at 100%
      • The server will seriously slow down
    • Adding more cores does not help your application if it's single thread application.

    • You know if your application is single threaded if top shows 100% and you have 2 cores. If it was multi-threaded it would show 200%

CPU in EC2

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  • Some EC2 machines have optimised CPU for frequency or # of cores (vCPU)
  • These machines are C generation
  • You should use them if your application requires multi-threading or very fast processor.

IO (Input / Output)

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  • I/O (input / output) is the concept of writing or reading from a disk

  • It's measured in the following aspects:

    • Latency
    • Random I/O performance (random read / writes)
    • Sequential read and write performance
  • When is IO Used?

    • Anytime the application will read and write to the disk, IO will be used
    • At startup, the OS will read the disk to load settings
    • You can use the iostat command to find the current amount of IO being used
    • IO are heavily used by database, MapReduce (BigData), websites serving big files / images coming from disk.
    • If the IO is not large enough, you will get:
      • Timeouts (some operations can't complete on time)
      • Slowdowns
      • Crashes
    • Good IO performance will be crucial to ensure the database has always a good performance

IO in EC2

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  • Some EC2 machines come with attached disks or optimizations to read from EBS volumes
  • These machines are I generation - SSD-backed Instance storage optimized for low latency, very high random I/O performance, high sequential read throughput and provide high IOPs at a low cost (good for ElasticSearch, NoSQL databases, analytics workloads...)
  • Other machines are of H or of type D (MapReduce, HDFS, Big Data, Kafka)


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  • Network is the concept of how fast a machine can send and receive information from other machines.

  • It is measured in the following aspects:

    • Latency
    • Throughput / Bandwidth
  • Networking in AWS is all done using cables (ethernet / optical fibre)

  • When is Network is Used?

    • Anytime your application needs to interact with the web or other server, network will be used.
    • You can use the nload ofr iftop command to find the current amount of network being used.
    • If your network is not fast enough:
      • Your application may timeout
      • Latency may be increased
    • Typical applications that use a lot of network bandwidth
      • FTP servers
      • Apache Kafka
      • Framework that do shuffling such as Apache Spark
      • Distributed File System

Network in EC2

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  • All EC2 machines come with certain network performances
  • Some EC2 machines have much greater amount of bandwidth reserved to them
  • Measure bandwidth needed for your application


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  • GPU is the graphical processing unit. In a normal computer that provides people a screen, it's used to compute the colour of the pixels on a screen.
  • It is measured in the following aspects:
    • Number of cores (sometimes well over 1024)
    • Internal GPU memory
  • When is GPU Used?
    • In AWS, the GPU is used in many different ways:
      • To process videos, convert a video
      • To perform computations (finance, fluid dynamics, analysis, etc...)
      • To perform machine learning (deep learning, speech recognition, etc...)

GPU in EC2

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  • Most EC2 machines do not come with a GPU
  • The ones tha come with GPU are:
    • P-generation (P3 latest)
    • G-generation (G3 latest)

General Instance (M)

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  • Some intensives come with good balance between:
    • RAM
    • CPU
    • Network
  • These instances are never a bad choice to get started
  • They're the M generation

Burstable Instance (T2)

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  • AWS has the concept of burstable instances (T2 machines)
  • Burst means that overall, the instance has OK CPU performance
  • When the machine need to process something unexpected (a spike in load for example), it can burst, and CPU can be very good.
  • If the machine bursts, it utilizes burst credits
  • If all the credits are gone, the CPU becomes BAD
  • If the machine stops bursting, credits are accumulated again over time
  • Burstable instances can be amazing to handle unexpected traffic and getting the insurance that it will be handled correctly
  • If your instance consistently runs low on credit, you need to move to a different kind of non-burstable instance.

CPU Credits

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  • we can monitor or CPU credit on Amazon EC2 Dashboard

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances

    • Click on your instance that you want to check your cpu usage, then go to Monitoring tab

T2 Unlimited

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  • After November 2017, It's possible to have an unlimited burst credit balance
  • You pay extra money if you go over your credit balance, but you don't lose performance
  • Overall, it is a new offering, so be careful, costs could got high if you're not monitoring the health of your instances.
  • T2 Unlimited Docs
  • Unlimited mode for burstable performance instances

Network and Security

Security Groups Overview

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  • Security groups are acting as a firewall on EC2 instances

  • They regulate:

    • Access to ports
    • Authorized of forbidden IP (ranges) - IPV4 and IPV6
    • Control of inbound network (from other to the instance)
    • Control of outbound network (from the instance to other)
  • Security group:

    • Can be attached to multiple instances
    • Locked down to a region / VPC combination
    • Does live "outside" the EC2 - if traffic is blocked the EC2 instance won't see it
    • It's good to maintain one separate security group for SSH access
    • If your application is not accessible (timeout), then it's most likely to be a security group issue
    • If your application gives a connection refused error, then it's an application error or it's not launched.
    • All the inbound traffic is blocked by default
    • All outbound traffic is authorized by default


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Private vs Public IP (IPv4)

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  • Private IP

    • Can only allow certain values from:
      • ~ ( <= in big networks
      • ~ ( <= default AWS one
      • ~ ( <= home networks
  • Public IP

    • All the rest of the IP on the internet
  • Security Groups

    • work the same way with public and private IP


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  • It would be good to be able to express a range of IP:

    • ~ (64 IP)

  • For this, we use CIDR

    • CIDR is the short for Classless Inter-Domain Routing, an IP addressing scheme that replaces the older system based on classes A, B, and C. A single IP address can be used to designate many unique IP addresses with CIDR. A CIDR IP address looks like a normal IP address except that it ends with a slash followed by a number, called the IP network prefix. CIDR addresses reduce the size of routing tables and make more IP addresses available within organizations.
    • CIDR to IPv4 Conversion

Understanding CIDR

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  • A CIDR has two components

    • The base IP (XX.XX.XX.XX)
    • The subnet mask (/26)
  • The base IP represents the first IP contained in the range

  • The subnet masks defines how many bits can change in the IP

  • The subnet mask can take two forms:

    • - Less common
    • /24 - more common
  • The subnet masks basically allows part of the underlying IP to get additional next values from the base IP.

      /32 # allows for 1 IP
      /31 # allows for 2 IP
      /30 # allows for 4 IP
      /29 # allows for 8 IP
      /28 # allows for 16 IP
      /27 # allows for 32 IP
      /26 # allows for 64 IP
      /25 # allows for 128 IP
      /24 # allows for 256 IP
      /16 # allows for 65.536 IP
      /0  # allows for all IP
  • Quick memo:

      /32 # no IP number can change
      /24 # last IP number can change
      /16 # last IP two numbers can change
      /8  # last IP three numbers can change
      /0  # all IP numbers can change
  • Example: = ? ~ # 256 IP
  = ? ~ # 65.536 IP
  = ? # 1 IP
        # All IP

Security Group

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  • On EC2 Dashboard

    • On the sidebar menu EC2 Dashboard > Network and Security > Security Groups

Create a SSH Security Group

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  • We are creating this security group to be use though the whole company and want to be super secure.

  • Click on Create security group

  • On Create security group page

    • Security group name: SSH Security Group

    • Description: Enterprise Wide SSH Security Group

    • VPC: vpc-7a4a7500 (the default)

    • Inbound rules

      • Add rule
      • Type: SSH
      • Destination My IP (in this case. But for a large company would be CIDR)
        • ( is my IP, /32 only for this IP)
      • Description - optional: Roger Takeshita IP
    • Then click on Create security group

Create a Java Server Security Group

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  • We now need to create a security group for our Java Server

  • Click on Create security group

  • On Create security group page

    • Security group name: Java Server Security Group

    • Description: Rules to allow our java server to work

    • VPC: vpc-7a4a7500 (the default)

    • Inbound rules

      • Add rule
      • Type: Custom TCP
      • Port Range: 4567
      • Destination Anywhere
        • ( any IP, /:0 infinity numbers of ips)
        • The ::/0 is IPv6. For now we don't need the IPv6.
      • Description - optional: Java Sever Anywhere
    • Then click on Create security group

  • Now we have two security groups

Update Instance Security Group

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances > Instances

    • Right click on the instance that you want to change the security group

      • Right Click > Networking > Change security groups

  • On Change Security groups page

    • Remove the old security group (my-first-instance)

    • Then add our two new security groups that we created

      • Click on Save

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances > Instances

    • Go to Security tab

    • There we can see our two security group that we've just added

    • At the bottom of the page we can see our inbound rules

  • If we search for

    • We can see that everything still works

    • By default all the Outbound network is open to anywhere. This means tha our instance can access the internet

Referencing Other Security Groups

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  • From a security group we can reference other security groups
  • It is possible to have a security group rules using other security groups instead of IP ranges (CIDR)
    • This is for enhanced security in AWS
    • The security group can even reference itself
  • Use cases
    • EC2 to EC2 direct communication within security group
    • Public Load Balance - Private EC2 instance
    • Having rules more flexible than fixed IP ranges


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  • Objectives:

    • Practice EC2 security groups rules by referencing other security groups
    • See how wen can allow certain instances to talk to our application or not
    • We'll use 2x EC2 instances in this case
  • For this exercise we are going to create a new security group

  • On Create security group page

    • Security group name: Security Group 2
    • Description: Just for the hands on
    • VPC: vpc-7a4a7500 (the default)
    • And we don't change anything else
    • Click on Create security group
  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances > Instances

    • On our new instance we change the security group to use:
      • Security Group 2
      • SSH Security Group
  • On Terminal SSH into our second instance

    • Curl our first instance using the public IPv4 (

      • As we can see everything works fine

  • On EC2 Security Group we are going to remove the inbound rule to allow all ips from our Java Sever Security Group

  • On Terminal

    • Curl our first instance using the public IPv4 ( again

      • It will timeout, because we blocked all internet access to the Java Sever Security Group

  • On EC2 Security Group, Add a new inbound rule to allow:

    • Type: All TCP

    • Protocol: TCP

    • Port range: 0-65535

    • Source: Custom

      • Security Group 2
    • Description Allow instances that have security group 2 to access java server

  • On Terminal

    • Curl our first instance using the private IPv4 (

      • We can access to our first instance using the security group

    • But if we try to curl using the public IPv4 (

      • It will timeout because our java sever is only allows connections from Security Group 2

Referencing Circular Security Groups

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  • This is useful if we need to instantiate another instance using the Java Sever Security Group and we need that both instances talk to each other. Since they don't have Security Group 2.

    • We can also restrict the port range

Elastic IPs

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  • When we stop and then start an EC2 instance, it can change its public IP
  • If we need to have fixed public IP for our instance, we need an Elastic IP
  • An Elastic IP is a public IPv4 IP we won as long as we don't delete it
  • With an Elastic IP address, we can mask the failure of an instance or software by rapidly remapping the address to another instance in our account.
  • We can only have 5 Elastic IP in our account (we can ask AWS to add more)
  • Overall, try to avoid using Elastic IP:
    • They often reflect poor architectural decisions
      • Instead, we can use a random public IP and register a DNS name to it
      • Or, we can use a Load Balancer and don't use a public IP


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  • AWS Elastic IP Pricing Page
  • We don't pay as long as the Elastic IP is attached to a running EC2 instance
  • We start paying if the EC2 instance is stopped and the Elastic IP is enabled


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  • Create an Elastic IP and attach it to an instance

  • Detach it and attach it to another instance

  • Objective: The application is still accessible from the same IP but it was using two different EC2 machines

    • For this exercise we need to use 2 instances using the following security groups:

      • Java Sever Security Group
        • Change the inbound rules:
          • Remove all previous rules
          • Enable all All traffic from any IP (
      • SSH Security Group
    • On Browser access our instances

      • As we can see the Receive Request From comes from the same source
      • But the IP of the machine that response to our query has different private IPs
        • ip-172-31-30-56.ec2.internal
        • ip-172-31-9-140.ec2.internal
    • Creating an Elastic IP

      • On EC2 Dashboard > Network and Security > Elastic IPs

        • Click on Allocate Elastic IP address
      • On Allocate Elastic IP address page

        • Click on Allocate

        • If we click on the ip that we just created we can see its summary

    • Associate an Elastic IP to an Instance

      • On EC2 Dashboard > Network and Security > Elastic IPs

        • Associate this new elastic IP to an instance

          • Select the elastic IP

          • Click on Actions > Associate Elastic IP address

      • Associate an Elastic IP to an Instance An Elastic IP was created:

        • Instance: i-02adc545b62fc892e

          • Choose an Instance - In this case we just choose the first one
        • Private IP Address:

        • Allow this Elastic IP address to be reassociated

        • Click on Associate

    • Test our Elastic IP

      • On Browser access our instances (elastic and normal instance)

        • As we can see, we are using different IPs but accessing the same machine

Placement Groups

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  • Sometimes we want to control over the EC2 Instance placement strategy
    • Can be placed together or be placed very far apart from each other
  • The strategy can be defined using placement groups
  • When we create a placement group, we specify one of the following strategies for the groups
    • Cluster - Clusters instances into a low-latency group in a single Availability Zone
      • This means that our instances will be put together into a low-latency group
      • Pros:
        • Great network (10 Gbps bandwidth between instances) - low-latency
      • Cons:
        • If the rack fails, all instances fail at the same time
      • Use case:
        • Big Data job that needs to complete fast
        • Application that needs extremely low-latency and high network throughput
    • Spread - Spreads instances across underlying hardware (max 7 instances per group per AZ)
      • Pros:
        • Can span across Availability Zones (AZ)
        • Reduced risk of simultaneous failure
        • EC2 instances are on different physical hardware
      • Cons:
        • Limited to 7 instances per AZ per placement group
      • Use case:
        • Application that need to maximize high availability
        • Cassandra cluster, kafka cluster, Web application that is distributed
    • ATTENTION: Not applicable to t2 instances

Creating a Placement Group

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Network and Security > Placement Groups

    • Click on Create placement group

  • On Create placement group page

    • Name: my-cluster-placement-group-for-apache-kafka

    • Placement strategy: Spread / Cluster

    • Click on Create group

  • Creating a new instance

    • Now when create a new instance (anything different from a T2 instance)

    • We will have a new option Placement group

Load Balancing

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Why Use a Load Balancing

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  • Spread load across multiple downstream instances
  • Expose a single point of access (DNS) to your application
  • Seamlessly handle failures of downstream instances
  • Do regulars heath checks to your instances
  • Provide SSL termination (HTTPS) for your websites
  • Enforce stickiness with cookies
  • High availability across zones
  • Separate public traffic from private traffic

Why Use an EC2 Load Balance?

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  • An ELB (EC2 Load Balance) is a managed load balancer
    • AWS guarantees that it will be working
    • AWS takes care of upgrades, maintenance, high availability
    • AWS provides only a few configuration knobs
  • It costs less to setup our own load balancer but it will be a lot more effort on our end
  • It's integrated with many AWS services

Types of Load Balancer on AWS

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  • AWS has 3 kinds of Load Balancer
    • Classic Load Balancer (v1 - old generation) - 2009
    • Application Load Balancer (v2 - new generation) - 2016
    • Network Load Balancer (v2 - new generation) - 2017
    • Overall it's recommended to use the newer / v2 generation load balancers as they provide more features
  • We can setup internal (private) or external (public) ELBs

Create Classic Load Balancer (v1)

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  • This will cost some money

  • We are going to create a classic load balancer, because many AWS users are still using v1

      #                      .--------------------.                .-----------.
      #           HTTP       |  External Classic  |      HTTP      |    EC2    |
      #   WWW <------------> |   Load Balancer    | <------------> | Instances |
      #         Port 80      |       (v1)         |    Port 4567   |           |
      #                      *--------------------*                *-----------*
  • On EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancing > Load Balancers

    • Create a Classic Load Balance

      • Click on Create Load Balancer

      1. Step 1: Define Load Balancer

        • Load Balancer name: classic-load-balancer

        • Create LB Inside: My Default VPC

        • Create an internal load balancer: unchecked (because we want a public IP)

        • For now we are only going to configure HTTP

          • Then we have to change the Instance Port to 4567
          • This means that the load balancer will listen for HTTP request to port 80 and it will forward to our instance on port 4567
        • Click on Next: Assign Security Groups

      2. Step 2: Assign Security Group

        • We could create use an existing security group, but for now we are going to create a new security group

          • Assign a security group: Create a new security group
          • Security group name: classic-load-balance-security-group
          • Description: Security group for our classic load balancer
        • Then we need to allow HTTP on port 80 from any source (

        • Click on Next: Configure Security Settings

      3. Step 3: Configure Security Settings

        • We are getting a warning because we are not using HTTPS at the moment

        • Click on Next: Configure Health Check

      4. Step 4: Configure Health Check

        • Ping Protocol: HTTP

        • Ping Port: 4567

        • Ping Path: /

        • Healthy threshold: 5

          • Number of consecutive health check successes before declaring an EC2 instance healthy.
        • Click on Next: Add EC2 Instances

      5. Step 5: Add EC2 Instances

        • Here is where the magic happens. Now we are going to select the instances that we want to add to this load balancer

        • Select the Instance 1 and Instance 2

        • Click on Next: Add Tags

      6. Step 6: Add Tags

        • Since we are not using tags for now
        • Click on Review and Create
      7. Step 7: Review

        • Click on Create

    • Accessing our load balancer

      • After creating the load balance, we can access our load balancer using the public DNS (

      • On the Instances tab

        • We can check the status of our instances

    • On the Browser

      • We can access our Java application through

      • And if we refresh the page, we can see that our private IP is changing

      • Load balancer adds 3 more fields to our headers

          X-Forwarded-Port: 80
          X-Forwarded-Proto: http

Securing Loader Balance

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  • After configuring the loader balancer

  • To make more secure our application we can add our loader balancer to the instance security group

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Network and Security > Security Groups

    • Edit the Java Server Security Group

      • Remove all rules

      • Add:

        • Types: Custom TCP

        • Port range: 4567

        • Source:

          • Custom
          • classic-loader-balancer-security-group
        • Description: Classic load balancer

  • After updating the security group

    • We don't have direct access to our instances ( We only access through our load balancer dns

Health Checks

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  • Health Checks are crucial for Load Balancers
  • They enable the load balancer to know if instances it forwards traffic to are available to replay to requests
  • The health check is done on a port and a route (/health is common)
  • If the response is not 200, then the instance is unhealthy

Checking If It's Health

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  • We can check if our application is health by using the link

  • To check that we need to update the our url path to point to /health

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancing > Load Balancers > classic-load-balancer > Health Check

    • Click on Edit Health Check

  • On Configure Health Check Pop-up

    • Update the Ping Path to /health

    • Update the Interval to 10 seconds

    • Click on Save

Application Load Balancer (v2)

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  • Application load balancer (Layer 7) allow to do:
    • Load balancing to multiple HTTP applications across machines (target groups)
    • Load balancing to multiple applications on the same machine (ex. containers)
    • Load balancing based on route in URL
    • Load balancing base on hostname in URL
  • Basically, they're awesome for micro services and container-based application (ex. Docker)
  • In comparison, we would need to create one classic load balancer per application before. That's very expensive and inefficient.

Create a Target Group

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  • The first thing that we need to do is to create a target group

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancing > Target Groups

    • Click on Create target group

  • On Specify group details

    • Basic configuration

      • Choose a target type: Instances
      • Target group name: java-application-target-group
      • Protocol: HTTP (how we access our instance)
      • Port: 4567 (this is how our target group will access our instances)
      • VPC: Default
    • Health checks

      • Protocol: HTTP
      • Health check path: /health
      • Advance health check settings:
        • Port: Traffic port (but we could overwrite the port)
        • Health threshold: 5
        • Unhealthy threshold: 2
        • Timeout: 5 seconds
        • Interval: 10 seconds
        • Success codes: 200 (we can also set ranges of success codes, e.g. 200-299)
    • Click on Next

    • On Register targets

      • Click on Create target group

    • Click on the new target group (java-application-target-group) to view the configuration

      • As we can see, we didn't assign a load balancer to it

      • And also, we didn't associate targets to it

Register Targets to Target Groups

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  • On Targets tab

    • Click on Register targets

  • On Register targets page

    • Select both instances

    • Set the port to: 4567

    • Click on Include as pending bellow

    • Click on Register pending targets

    • Now we have 2 unused targets

Create an Application Load Balancer (v2)

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancing > Load Balancers

    • Create an Application Load Balancer

      • Click on Create Load Balancer

    • On Select load balancer type page:

      • Click on Create Application Load Balancer

      1. Step 1: Configure Load Balancer

        • name: application-load-balancer

        • Scheme: internet-facing

        • Ip address type: ipv4

        • Listener:

          • Load Balancer Protocol: HTTP
          • Load Balancer Port: 80
        • Availability Zones

          • Select all zones
        • Click on Next: Configure Security Settings

      2. Step 2: Configure Security Settings

        • Just like before, we have a warning saying to configure HTTPS

        • Click on Next: Configure Security Groups

      3. Step 3: Configure Security Groups

        • Assign a security group: Create a new security group

        • Security group name: application-load-balancer-security-group

        • Description: Application security group for our load balancer

        • Rule:

          • Type: HTTP
          • Port: 80
          • Source:
            • Custom
        • Click on Next: Configure Routing

      4. Step 4: Configure Routing

        • Target group: Existing target group

        • Name: java-application-target-group

        • Click on Next: Register Targets

      5. Step 5: Register Targets

        • Click on Next: Review

      6. Step 6: Review

        • Click on Create

    • Update our Java Sever Security Group

      • Add the application-load-balancer-security-group

    • Accessing our load balancer

      • After creating the load balance, we can access our load balancer using the public DNS (

    • On the Browser

      • We can access our Java application through

      • And if we refresh the page, we can see that our private IP is changing

      • Load balancer adds 4 more fields to our headers

          X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5f88bfdf-05bd5a275de39f277e2f26e4
          X-Forwarded-Port: 80
          X-Forwarded-Proto: http

    • On EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancing > Target Groups

      • If we check our java-application-target-group

        • On Targets tab

          • We can see that now we have 2 target with status healthy

Load Balancer Listeners

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancing > Load Balancers

    • On Listeners tab

      • We can setup some rules

      • The first rule is:

        • If Requests otherwise not routed

        • Then forward to: java-application-target-group

      • We could add any kind of rule, and forward to different applications (micro-services)

Network Load Balancer (v2)

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  • Network load balancers are similar to application load balancers
  • Network load balancers (Layer 4) allow to do:
    • Operates in a lower lvl (TCP lvl)
    • Forward TCP traffic to your instances
    • Handle millions of requests per seconds
    • Support for static IP or elastic IP
    • Less latency ~100ms (vs 400ms for ALB)
  • Network Load Balancers are mostly used for extreme performance and should not be the default load balancer
  • Overall, the creation process is the same as Application Load Balancers

Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)

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What's an Auto Scaling Group?

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  • In real-life, the load on your websites and application can change
  • In the cloud, you can create an get rid of servers very quickly
  • The goal of an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) is to:
    • Scale out (add EC2 instances) to match an increased load
    • Scale in (remove EC2 instances) to match a decreased load
    • Ensure we have a minimal and a maximum number of machines running
    • Automatically Register new instances to a load balancer

ASGs Attributes

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  • Auto Scaling Groups have the following attributes
    • A launch configuration
      • AMI + Instance Type
      • EC2 User Data
      • EBS Volumes
      • Security Groups
      • SSH Key Pairs
    • Min Size / Max Size / Initial Capacity
    • Network + Subnets Information
    • Load Balancer Information
    • Scaling Policies

Setup Auto Scaling

Launch Configuration

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Auto Scaling > Launch Configurations

    • Click on Create launch configuration

  • On Create launch configuration page:

    • Name: my-first-launch-configuration

    • AMI: EC2-Sample-Java-Server (use our custom image)

    • Instance type: T2.Micro (free tier)

    • Additional configuration - Optional

      • Only if we want to execute EC2 data (in our case we don't need)
      • And if you want to change the IP

    • Storage (volumes)

      • Use the default (Root, 8 GB)

    • Security groups

      • Select an existing security group
        • Select our:
          • SSH Security Group
          • Java Server Security Group

    • Key pair (login)

      • Key pair options: Choose an existing key pair
      • Existing key pair: EC2-Roger-Takeshita
      • Select: I acknowledge that I have access to the selected private key file (EC2-Roger-Takeshita.pem), and that without this file, I won't be able to log into my instance.
      • Click on Create launch configuration

Create Auto Scaling Groups

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Auto Scaling > Launch Configuration

    • Select my-first-launch-configuration

    • Click on Actions > Create Auto Scaling Group

  • On Choose launch template or configuration

    • Auto Scaling group name: my-first-application-asg

    • Click on Next

  • On Configure settings

    • VPC: (default)

    • Subnets, select 1a, 1b, and 1c

    • Click on Next

  • On Configure advanced options

    • Load balancing

      • Select: Enable load balancing
        • Choose: Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer
        • Choose a target group for your load balancer: java-application-target-group
    • Health check

      • Health check type: EC2 and ELB
        • ELB means if our load balancing sees that our instances is not health, the load balancer will terminate that instance
      • Health check grace period: 60
    • Click on Next

  • On Configure option size and scaling policies

    • Group size

      • Desired capacity: 2
      • Minimum capacity: 2
      • Maximum capacity: 2
    • Scaling policies: None (for now)

    • Instance scale-in protection

      • Not enable
    • Click on Next

  • On Add notifications

    • Click on Skip to review

  • On Review

    • Review the configuration

    • Click on Create Auto Scaling group

Check Auto Scaling

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  • On EC2 Dashboard > Auto Scaling > Auto Scaling Groups

    • On Activity tab

      • We can check the activity history

    • On Instance management tab

      • We can see that we have 2 instances with status healthy

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances > Instances

    • We see our 2 new instances running

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Load Balancing > Load Balancers

    • We can use the DNS name to access our instances

    • As we can see, we have 2 machines running

Auto Scaling Alarms

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  • It is possible to scale an ASG based on CloudWatch alarms

  • An alarm monitors a metric (such as Average CPU)

  • Metrics are computed for the overall ASG instances

  • Based on the alarm:

    • We can create scale-out policies (increase the number of instances)
    • We can cerate scale-in policies (decrease the number of instances)
  • On EC2 Dashboard > Auto Scaling > Auto Scaling Groups

    • On Auto Scaling tab

      • Click on Add policy

Create Scaling Up Policy

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  • On Create scaling up policy

    • Policy type: Step scaling

    • Scaling policy name: scale-out-java-server

    • CloudWatch alarm, create an alarm to trigger the policy

      • Click on Create a CloudWhat alarm

      • On Specify metric and conditions

        • Metric name: scale-up-java-server

        • AutoScalingGroupName: my-first-application-asg

        • Static: Average

        • Period: 5 minutes

        • Conditions:

          • Threshold type: Static
          • Whenever scale-up-java-serve is... greater/equal than... 50
        • Click on Next

      • On Notification

        • Remove the notification

        • Click on Next

      • On Add name and description

        • Alarm name: scale-out-java-app-alarm

        • Click on Next

      • On Preview and create

        • Review the alarm

        • Click on Create alarm

  • back to Create scaling policy

    • Policy type: Simple scaling

    • Scaling policy name: scale-out-java-server-policy

    • CloudWatch Alarm: scale-out-java-app-policy

    • Take the action: Add, 2, capacity units when 50 <= scale-up-java-server <+infinity

    • Instances need 60 seconds warm up before including in metric

Create Scale Down Policy

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  • On Create scaling down policy

    • Policy type: Step scaling

    • Scaling policy name: scale-in-java-server

    • CloudWatch alarm, create an alarm to trigger the policy

      • Click on Create a CloudWhat alarm

      • On Specify metric and conditions

        • Metric name: scale-down-java-server

        • AutoScalingGroupName: my-first-application-asg

        • Static: Average

        • Period: 5 minutes

        • Conditions:

          • Threshold type: Static
          • Whenever scale-up-java-serve is... lower than... 10
        • Click on Next

      • On Notification

        • Remove the notification

        • Click on Next

      • On Add name and description

        • Alarm name: scale-in-java-app-alarm

        • Click on Next

      • On Preview and create

        • Review the alarm

        • Click on Create alarm

  • back to Create scaling policy

    • Policy type: Simple scaling

    • Scaling policy name: scale-in-java-server-policy

    • CloudWatch Alarm: scale-in-java-app

    • Take the action: Remove, 1, capacity units

    • And then wait 60 seconds before allowing another scaling activity

Elastic Block Store (EBS)

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  • It's a way to store data durably

What's an EBS Volume?

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  • An EC2 machine loses its root volume (main drive) when it is manually terminated.
  • Unexpected terminations might happen from time to time (AWS would email you)
  • Sometimes, you need a way to store your instance data somewhere
  • An EBS Volume is a network drive you can attach to your instances while they run
  • It allows your instance to persist data

EBS Volume

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  • It's a network drive
    • It uses the network to communicate the instances, which means there might be a bit of latency
    • It can detached from an EC2 instance and attached to another one quickly
  • It's locked to an Availability Zone (AZ)
    • An EBS volume in us-east-1a cannot be attached to us-east-1b
  • To move data across zones, we have to snapshot it first
  • Have a provisioned capacity (size in GBs, and IOPS) - We have to define the capacity before trying to use it
    • We are billed by the provision capacity, not the use
    • We can increase the capacity of the drive over time

EBS Volume

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  • EBS Volumes come with 4 types

    • GP2 (SSD): General purpose SSD volume that balances price and performance for a wide variety of workloads
    • IOI (SSD): Highest-performance SDD volume for mission-critical low-latency or high-throughput workloads
    • STI (HDD): Low cost HDD volume designed for frequently accessed, throughput-intensive workloads
    • SCI (HHD): Lowest cost HDD volume designed for less frequently accessed workloads
  • EBS Volumes are characterized in Size | Throughput | IOPS

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances > Instances

    • Select one Instance

    • Go To Storage tab

      • There we can see that our instance is an EBS Volume

        • Root: /dev/xvda

        • Root device type: EBS

    • If we click on vol-09cf32ee0837d192e, we will be redirected to Elastic Block Store > Volumes

      • we can see that our EBS Volume is:

        • Size: 8 GiB

        • Volume Type: gp2

        • IOPS: 100

        • Snapshot: snap-024fe0a6c4aae6a2d

        • Availability Zone: us-east-1c

        • State: in-use (it's in-use by our EC2 instance)

EBS Volumes Types

GP2 - High Performance (Recommended)

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  • Recommended for most workloads
  • System boot volumes (the machine boots very quickly)
  • Virtual desktops
  • Low-latency interactive apps
  • Development and test environments
  • Sizes: 1 GiB - 16TiB
  • IOPS can burst 10x baseline performance - Max 10.000
  • Max throughput of 160 MiB/s

IO1 - High Performance

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  • Critical business applications that require sustained IOPS performance, or more than 10.000 IOPS or 160 MiB/s of throughput per volume
  • Large database workloads, such as:
    • MongoDB, Cassandra, Microsoft SQL Server, MSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle
    • Sizes: 4 GiB - 16 TiB
    • IOPS is provisioned (PIOPS) - Max 32.000
    • Max throughput of 500 MiB/s

ST1 - Large Loads of Data (Often Accessed)

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  • Streaming workloads requiring consistent, fast throughput at a low price
  • Big data, Data warehouses, Log processing
  • Apache Kafka
  • Cannot be a boot volume
  • Sizes: 500 GiB - 16 TiB
  • Max IOPS is 500
  • Max throughput of 500 MiB/s - can burst

SCI - Large Loads of Data (Not Often Accessed)

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  • Throughput-oriented storage for large volumes of data that is infrequently accessed
  • Scenarios where the lowest storage cost is important
  • Cannot be a boot volume
  • Size: 500 GiB - 16TiB
  • Max IOPS is 250
  • Max throughput of 250 MiB/s - can bust

Hands On - Create Volume - Mount

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  • Let's create an EBS volume and attach it to our EC2 instance

  • Let's format it with a filesystem ext4

  • Let's start using the volume

  • Detach

  • The re-attach

  • Make sure the volume persists at reboots

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Elastic Block Store > Volumes

    • Click on Create Volume

  • On Create Volume Page

    • Volume Type: General Purpose (gp2)

    • Size (GiB): 2

    • Availability Zone: us-east-1b (Choose the same zone of your instance)

    • Snapshot ID : (leave it blank)

    • Encryption: (not selected)

    • Click on Create Volume

      • Click on vol-06c24a3bf63abbb86 to go to Volumes
  • On EC2 Dashboard > Elastic Block Store > Volumes

    • Right click on the new volume, then Attach Volume

    • On Attach Volume popup

      • Instance: (select the instance that your are currently running)

      • Device: /dev/sdf (use the first device that AWS auto completed)

      • Click on Attach

      • After attaching the volume, we can see that the status has changed to in-use

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Instances > Instances

    • Select instance on Availability Zone us-east-1b

    • Go To Storage tab

      • Now we can see that we have two volumes

  • On Terminal

    • SSH into our us-east-1b machine

    • We are going to execute the following commands

      • volumes

          # list the volumes

        • As we can see, right now the volume is just a disk, it's not mounted to anywhere
      • Checking Data

          # check if the volume has any data
          sudo file -s /dev/xvdf

        • If returns /dev/xvdf: data this means that the volume is empty and unformatted
      • Formatting Disk

          # format the volume as ext4
          sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf

        • Now if we run the same command again sudo file -s /dev/xvdf to check the data

            sudo file -s /dev/xvdf
            # /dev/xvdf: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data, UUID=3554b860-55df-4a69-b521-4b603b3afd4f (extents) (64bit) (large files) (huge files)
      # attach the EBS drive from the console to /dev/sdf
      # list the volumes
      # check if the volume has any data
      sudo file -s /dev/xvdf
      # format the volume as ext4
      sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf
      # create a directory
      sudo mkdir /myexternalvolume
      # mount our EBS to our directory
      sudo mount /dev/xvdf /myexternalvolume
      # go to the directory and verify size and fre space
      cd /myexternalvolume
      sudo touch hello.txt
      df -h .
      # to unmount
      umount /dev/xvdf
      # setup EBS remount automatically
      # backup fstab file
      sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
      # add an entry into our fstab file
      cat /etc/fstab
      sudo yum install -y nano
      sudo nano /etc/fstab
      # add this line to the bottom:
      # /dev/xvdf       /myexternalvolume    ext4    defaults,nofail        0       0
      # exit nano by doing control + x
      # verify for errors
      sudo mount -a

Resize EBS Volume

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  • Feb 2017: You can resize the EBS volumes
  • You can only increase the EBS volumes:
    • Size (any volume type)
    • IOPS (only in IO1)

Hands On - Resizing (Only to Increase the Size)

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  • Let's resize an EBS volume

  • Let's increase the partition size on the EC2 machine

  • Let's see that the new EBS volume will have the desired capacity

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Elastic Block Store > Volumes

    • Right click on your volume that you want to change the size

    • Click on Modify Volume

  • On Terminal

    • SSH into the instance

        # see full tutorial at:
        # we'll use resize2fs command because we're using ext4 as the device formatting.
        # use lsblk to check the disk size
        # xvda    202:0    0   8G  0 disk
        # └─xvda1 202:1    0   8G  0 part /
        # xvdf    202:80   0   4G  0 disk /myexternalvolume
        # see how the system sees our drive
        df -h
        # Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
        # devtmpfs        474M     0  474M   0% /dev
        # tmpfs           492M     0  492M   0% /dev/shm
        # tmpfs           492M  412K  492M   1% /run
        # tmpfs           492M     0  492M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
        # /dev/xvda1      8.0G  1.7G  6.4G  21% /
        # /dev/xvdf       2.0G  6.0M  1.8G   1% /myexternalvolume
        # tmpfs            99M     0   99M   0% /run/user/1000
        # resize the partition
        sudo resize2fs /dev/xvdf
        # Filesystem at /dev/xvdf is mounted on /myexternalvolume; on-line resizing required
        # old_desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 1
        # The filesystem on /dev/xvdf is now 1048576 blocks long.
        df -h
        # Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
        # devtmpfs        474M     0  474M   0% /dev
        # tmpfs           492M     0  492M   0% /dev/shm
        # tmpfs           492M  412K  492M   1% /run
        # tmpfs           492M     0  492M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
        # /dev/xvda1      8.0G  1.7G  6.4G  21% /
        # /dev/xvdf       3.9G  8.0M  3.7G   1% /myexternalvolume
        # tmpfs            99M     0   99M   0% /run/user/1000

EBS Volume Snapshoting

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  • EBS Volumes can be backed up using snapshots
  • Snapshots only take the actual space of the blocks on the volume
  • If you snapshot a 100GB drive that only has 5 GB of data, then your EBS snapshot will only be 5GB
  • EBS snapshots live in Amazon S3
  • Snapshots are used for:
    • Backups: ensuring you can save your data in case of catastrophe
    • Volume migration
      • Resizing a volume down
      • Changing the volume type

Hands On

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  • Let's snapshot an EBS drive

  • Let's recreate an EBS drive from another AZ

  • We'll have successfully migrated an EBS drive

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Elastic Block Store > Volumes

    • Right click on the volume that you want to snapshot

    • Description: (give a name to your snapshot)

    • Click on Create Snapshot

  • On EC2 Dashboard > Elastic Block Store > Snapshots

    • Create a volume from snapshot

    • Right click on the snapshot

    • On Create Volume, we can change the Availability Zone to a different zone

EC2 Running Modes (Cost Saving)

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  • EC2 On Demand instances are what we've been using up until now
  • They're great because you can quickly create them and quickly discard them - you only paid for what you use: on-demand
  • They're great when used with Auto Scaling Groups ASG
  • But you have other options:
    • Reserved Instances: discount when you use an EC2 for a long time
    • Spot instances: cheaper instances you can lose at any time
    • Dedicated hots: more expensive instances as you reserve hardware

EC2 Reserved Instances

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  • Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances (RI) provide a significant discount (up to 75%) compared to On-Demand pricing and provide a capacity reservation when used in a specific Availability Zone.
  • You have the flexibility to change families, OS types, and tenancies while benefitting from RI pricing you use Convertible RI (up to 54% discount)
  • Schedule RI: reserve during specific launch periods. For example if you are able to predict demand during the day this is a great option
  • Overall, as soon as you know you will need as instance for a year you should consider using reserved instances

EC2 Spot Instances

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  • AWS EC2 Spot Instance are using the spare capacity in AWS cloud and provide you with steep discount (up to 90%)
  • The reason is that if AWS didn't sell that instance, it would just lose money.
  • Therefore, an auction takes place and you have a bid to decide whether or not you get to keep an instance
  • At any point of time, AWS can reclaim (terminate) your instance to the hightest bidder with 2 minutes of notification.
  • You can use Spot Instances with EC2, ECS, CloudFormation, EMR, and other services.

Use Cases

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  • Highly available web application
  • Containerized web services
  • Image rendering
  • Big Data Analytics (Hadoop, Spark, AWS EMR...)
  • Big parallel computations overall
  • Do not run critical jobs on EC2 if you can't tolerate failures

EC2 Dedicated Hosts

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  • You reserve an entire host on AWS cloud and you launch EC2 instances directly on it.
  • I can help in a BYOL (Bring Your Own Licence) model or when you have strong regulatory, compliance or security requirements.
  • It's overall more expensive and should not use it unless strongly required. You can also reserve dedicated hosts.


Amazon Web Services - EC2







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