A NodeJS microservice that reads data from dog collars and saves it down to and a DynamoDB. It also allows for querying and removing data from the DynamoDB.
# installs all the applications dependencies
npm install
# starts the node application
npm start
# runs es-lint
npm run lint
# runs unit tests
npm run test
You can use this service in two ways, running it locally or by hitting the deployed endpoint.
The endpoint is publically available at
Each of the different functions of the service is accessed by adding
Followed by routes such as:
The following routes also require query parameters such as
The following route requires a request object:
Example request object:
"partitionKey": "12345-12345-1ab2cd3",
"activityType": "LOCATION",
"actionData": {
"location": {
"lat": "11.17",
"long": "90.33"
The service can be run locally by cloning this repo and installing the AWS CLI and then in your terminal window running:
aws configure
You will be prompted for Region (us-east-1), AWS access key and AWS secret access key. These are for accessing the DynamoDb (please contact the repo owner for these). Then in your terminal window run:
npm install
npm start
You should see a notification in your terminal that your server is now running locally on port:3000. You can now hit this service in your browser using the following urls:
Provides swagger documentation for all the locally hosted endpoints
Returns all the dog collar responses in database
Caution - may cause performance issues if database is large
Returns all responses associated with a specific collar
Takes 'partitionKey' as a query param
Returns all responses with a specific partition key and activity type
Takes 'partitionKey' and 'activityType' as a query param
Returns a specific collar responses
Takes 'partitionKey' and 'sortKey' as query params
Returns all collar responses with the specified activity type
Takes 'activityType' as query params
Removes a specific collar repsonses from the database
Takes 'partitionKey' and 'sortKey' as query params
Posts a collar response to the db.
Requires a request object - see example above