FABRIC - FABRication Information Consortium
The things that this software interacts with are:
- List of Processes associated with the part
- Part ID
- Part Description
- Part Owner
- QTY Requested
- Priority
- Type
- Assignee
- Material Location
- Parameters
- Notes
- Started Date
- Due Date
- Accomplished Date
- Progress (Blocked, Ready, Working, Finished)
- Rose Username (a unique ID for external suppliers)
- Plain English Name
- Contact Info
- EDM (Special parameters: material, thickness)
- Waterjet (Special parameters: material, thickness)
- Sheetmetal Bending
- CNC Routing
- CNC Mill
- CNC Lathe
- Mill
- Lathe
- Finishing (filing, sanding, polishing- specify type)
- Welding
- Heat treatment (Special parameters: specification)
- Assembly (bolts, press fits, etc.)
- Other (sawing, hand drilling, weird stuff)
Three main screens:
- Main overview (shows all parts in the system)
- Part view (also includes all processes)
- Worklist (the processes relevant to a user) Auxillary screens like logins, password changes, account creation may be necessary...
- Email notifications to assigned members when they have something to do