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Pat Maddox edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 23 revisions

Want to hang out with other adventurers on the RubySteps 21-Day Challenge? Join us in gitter chat: Join the chat at

The Game

The RubySteps 21-Day Challenge is a game. Each day of the challenge, you will:

  1. Create a directory for your work that day.
  2. Create a README inside that directory.
  3. Send a pull request.

That's it! :) Create a README every day for 21 consecutive days, and you successfully complete the challenge.

If you want to do more than create a README, feel free! But if all you have time and energy for on a given day is to create an empty README and send the pull request... that's totally cool! You will build momentum, and eventually you'll have a day where you work on something more interesting.

Of course, you are more than welcome to work on long-running projects.

Challenge rules

  1. You must warm up before participating in an adventure.
  2. You get a free pass through the end of day 3 - you can fix any mistake, for any reason.
  3. Starting day 4, you must submit a well-formed pull request every day for the rest of the challenge.
  4. If you miss a day, you can still participate, but you will be disqualified from entering [[RubySteps Heroes' Hall|Heroes-Hall]] for that adventure.

Dates and times for the current adventure

You can join us on as many adventures as you like!

What happens when you successfully complete the challenge?

If you need some inspiration for something to work on, check out one of the many existing canned challenges.

Giving and receiving feedback

We all want to get better! Two things help us do that: practice, and feedback. The challenge is all about practice... and we can still benefit from feedback! Learn how to give and receive feedback as part of the challenge.


At the end of each day, we'll conduct an optional, asynchronous retrospective. You can view all of our retrospectives here.

Questions? Email me, or chat in Gitter

If you ever have any questions, you can always email @patmaddox. Even better is to check out the examples from all the other people who have worked through the challenge. There's a whole community here of people doing it and helping others do it - all you have to do is follow our lead! :)

We've got some awesome people hanging out in gitter chat which you can join for free. Come say hi!

Tell your friends!

Aren't you glad somebody told you about the RubySteps 21-Day Challenge? Don't you want to help someone else out, big time? Tell your friends to sign up for the RubySteps 21-Day Challenge and join us on our next adventure. Everything is better with friends! :)