A fully responsive sign up form created using HTML and CSS!
Some cool Emmet abbreviations: Remove Tag, Wrap with abbreviation, Evaluate Math Expressions, Go to Matching pair, Tag Balancing
The accent-color CSS property which sets the accent color for user-interface controls generated by some elements.
Organizing Form Elements: fieldset and legend
Button types: submit, reset, generic
How to Align multiline text fields[eg: textarea] with their labels (use vertical-align:top 😉)
Difference between
type button and the equivalent<button>
element -
Imp note: For buttons that are used within a form for different purposes other than submitting the data, the type attribute should always be specified to avoid unwanted effects of submitting a form.
Input type -> file (for allowing multiple files to be selected, add the
attribute) -
More advanced CSS selectors [Finally, understood pseudo classes and pseudo selectors 😂]
Custom properties aka CSS variables
CSS functions: calc(), min(), max(), and clamp()
About white-space property and text-overflow: ellipsis
@font-face rule