This repo contains an ASP.NET MVC application using Razor pages which leverages a node process (shell) to serve up a federated module (remote1).
The shell - node process is a simple express server borrowed from this example. Remote1 - is a simple react application.
This is a rough draft implementation, but the idea is that the Razor engine renders the page, and the module is federated in client side. Since Module Federation relies on webpack, the node/shell process will run webpack and resolve modules, returning a server side rendered version of the application. This can be tweaked to defer server side rendering, and perform it client side in the shell.
Simple change to shell/App.tsx to check for SSR/client.
const useIsSSR = () => {
const [ssr, setSSR] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
}, [ssr]);
return ssr;
Module federation server side in Razor can be tricky since you want to prevent the module fetching again client side. This can be further enhanced.
- yarn start for remote1
- yarn start:prod for shell
- dotnet run for the Razor application