This repository contains solved quizzes and some other examples given on
Featured program - Commandline BlackJack -
- Chapters 1 and 2 ✅
- Hello World
- cin and cout
- Prime Number
- Calculator
- sizeof
- Functions
- Multiple files
- Header Guards
- Ball simulation
- Chapter1 Quiz
- Chapter 3 ✅
- Using Modulus
- Even or Odd
- Decimal to Binary Converter
- Chapter 4 ✅
- Variable Scope
- Playing with Strings
- Using Struct - Fraction
- Using Struct - Advertising
- Using Struct - Monsters
- Chapter 5 ✅
- While Loop
- While Loop - 2
- While Loop - 3
- Switch - Animal Legs
- Switch - Calculator
- Ball Game Again
- HI-LO game
- Chapter 6 ✅
- Array One
- Array Two
- Multidimentional Arrays
- Descending Sort
- For-Each
- Simple Game
- Unoptimized BUbble Sort
- Optimized BUbble Sort
- Pointers One
- Student grades
- Ref Swap
- Array Pointers
- C-Style Pointers
- Card Game
- Black Jack
- Chapter 7 ✅
- Binary search
- Calculator function pointer
- Commandline arguments
- Ellipses
- Function prototypes
- Fibonacci series
- Interger to Binary
- Recursive binary search
- Recursive fibonacci series
- Recursive factorial
- Returning values
- Sum of the digits
- Chapter 8 ✅
- Classes introduction
- Classes introduction - 2
- Monster generator
- Blackjack using classes
- Class constructor
- Destructor class
- Friend function
- Member variables
- Point - 2D
- Simple stack using class
- Static member variables
- Vector friend
- Chapter 9 🚧 ✅
- 'Operator Overloading'
- Chapter 10 💤
- Chapter 11 💤
- Chapter 12 💤
- Chapter 13 💤
- Chapter 14 💤
- Chapter 15 💤
- Chapter 16 💤
- Chapter 17 💤
- Chapter 18 💤
'C++ Basics' and 'Variable and Fundamental Data types'
'Variable Scope and More Types'
'Control Flow'
'Arrays, Strings, Pointers, Reference'
'Basic object-oriented programming'