FRHeatMap library is an Android tool that helps the application owners determine which areas of the application are most used and which are totally ignored.
The library catches every touch on the screen inside the application, records it and synchronizes it to the server. The technology used for storing the data locally is Couchbase Lite and for sending Couchbase SyncGateway.
To use this library you have to:
Clone the project
git clone
Build the library:
<library_home>: gradlew build
Include the library in the project by adding file <library_home>/frheatmap2/build/outputs/aar/frheatmap2-release.aar to your projects lib folder.
When creating new Activity for which you want to monitor user's touches, simply extend our FRHeatmapActivity instead of the native Android Activity.
That's it. The data will be gathered and sent to the server automatically.
If you're unable to extend the provided FRHeatmapActivity (for example if you're already extending some other Activity subclass, like ActionBarActivity etc.) you can still add the Heatmap functionality manually.
To do so you must add the following code to your Activity subclass:
private FRHeatmapHandler mHeatmapHandler;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mHeatmapHandler = new FRHeatmapHandler(this);
// your code
protected void onDestroy() {
// your code
public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
// your code
return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);