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Generating Icons

Jenna Badanowski edited this page May 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

NOTE: This information is no longer valid.

Icons Overview

The icon font is generated using files in icons/svgs. Template files are included here to generate the SCSS and data files used by the library.

Build the font and associated files.

NOTE: This directory is concerned ONLY with generating the files needed for the icons, always run this first before build the library or the documentation site. Follow the instructions below to rebuild library and documentation site.

gulp icons

Build the library.

gulp pkg-icons

Build the documentation site.

NOTE: When generating the documentation site to reflect any modification made to the icon set, you will first need to build the dist folder with production flag - npm run build:production

gulp docs-icons

Generated Files

The generated files include scss/icons/icon.css and WOFF and WOFF2 formats of FundamentalIcons in the same directory. The data file can be found at test/templates/icon/data.json which is used by the component test file.

Library and website specific gulp tasks utilize these files.

Adding New Icons

To add a new icon, simply drop an SVG file in icons/svg folder The name of the file will be used as the key for the icon, i.e, foo.svg would generate the class name tn-icon--foo.


  • The canvas size for the SVG should be 132 x 132 pixel
  • All the SVG artwork should fill the canvas edge to edge.
  • Icon fills should be black.

Pull requests will not be merged for new icons unless they meet the above criteria.