Releases: SCCapstone/Social-Monomania
1.0 Release
This is the final release of the Senior Capstone Project; the URL is at , and an account can be registered / created to test this specific Milestone. Thanks for testing! :)
Release Candidate 1
This is the Release Candidate 1 Milestone for the Capstone CSCE492 Project. The application is hosted at: . Currently, it fulfills the majority of the client's needs; due to unforeseen circumstances and limitations of social media sites' public data, both Facebook and Instagram were scrapped. The deprecated APIs for these sites are still within' the files, but are currently unused until a workaround is found.
Beta Release
This version of the SocialMonomania app has implemented the majority of functions necessary, but still has testing and bugs to work through, as well as further implementations before RC1. This beta release is completely usable, but again is lacking in features; this release is mainly for progressional purposes.
Proof of Concept
This is a demo, Proof of Concept, of the Social-Monomania application in its Alpha stages.