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Lyn Cork edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 11 revisions


The player will be able to navigate through an assortment of screens that will make interacting with the game possible.

1. Screens


  • 1.1 - Map Screen: A node based map so the player can navigate the overworld. Major locations are marked with a node that the player can “enter” and explore more thoroughly. Nodes are not accessible until the player has cleared the prior node and reached the prior node’s respective exit for the next path.


  • 1.2 - Battle Screen: The standard battle screen. Enemies, player units, and backgrounds can change but the layout remains the same. battle_draft
  • 1.3 - Overworld levels: Described in further depth in the Levels section. Overworld levels are areas where the player character explores a node and isn’t involved in battle. Upon navigating to an available node on the map, the player will “enter” it. This is the overworld. The player is able to walk in the four cardinal directions, interact with objects and NPC’s, enter buildings, and engage an enemy which sends them to the battle screen. When a scene transitions but doesn’t go back to the map, this is a part of the same overworld level (i.e. entering an inn in a town.)


  • 1.4 - Start Screen: The first screen a player sees upon entering the game. Shows the main logo and basic options such as New Game, Load Game, Options, and Exit.


  • 1.5 - Pause Screen: A simple screen that pauses everything wherever it may be, stopping any and all action so the player can step away.


  • 1.6 - Stats Screen: A menu screen where the player can see the stats of the player character and party members. Stats can be leveled up on this screen using stat points granted by gaining XP in the world. Attributes for each character are also shown such as the player’s real HP, mana, defense, and attack power. The player can spec points into stats and see how their current attributes will change with each point before committing to the allotment.


  • 1.7 - Inventory Screen: inventory_draft A screen where the party’s collective inventory can be viewed. Items can be shown in one large collection or broken down into categories such as potions, weapons, and consumables for easier viewing.


The player will be able to enter a variety of instanced game levels from the world map, where game objects can be interacted with, battles can be started with hostile NPCs, and non-hostile NPCs can be interacted with.

2. Levels


  • 2.1 - Starting Town: Starttown

The first level the player sees. This is the home village of the player character. This level serves as the tutorial for many of the game’s concepts such as combat, inventory, and party management as well as an introduction to the game’s story and world. Likely to meet a tragic fate following the tutorial, razed by the main villain’s forces.

  • 2.2 - Field: Field

An open area in the map filled with grass and basic enemies for the player to practice fighting against and farm for XP in the early game. Sparse trees populate the area. The first larger, free roaming area the player will encounter and a common sight throughout the entirety of the game.


  • 2.4 - Forest: Forest

A forest of tall, old trees. Sunlight breaks through the canopy and animals can be heard all around. A lively place whose many trees can also hide a rogue bandit or angry wolf.

  • 2.5 - Additional Town: othertown The next town over. In this town there will be shops for purchasing equipment such as armor, weapons. This is where the player can loot up or sell whatever they find on their travels.

  • 2.6 - Big City: Bigcity A large, bustling city with fortified walls surrounding it. At its center lies a large castle. This city serves as a hub for travel and trade in the region and many unique people and items can be found here.

  • 2.7 - Castle: castle A large castle in the middle of a fortified city. Home to local ruling nobility. There have been reports of dark figures entering and exiting the castle discreetly at night.


3. Non-Enemy NPCs

The player will be able to interact with a variety of non-hostile NPCs for the purposes of engaging in dialogue, trading, or receiving quests.


  • 3.1 - Companion: Any number of companions for the player character to add members to his party. Companions have many of the same attributes as the player character such as stat points, armor and weapon equips, spells and prayers, and a limited battle inventory. Companions will have a variety of designs and range in character and plot relevance.



  • 3.2 - Parent: The player character’s parents. Humble farmers by trade living in a small village. Likely slaughtered in the destruction of the player character’s village, setting the player on a quest for revenge.


  • 3.3 - Merchant: Any number of merchants that can be encountered in the world. Each is slightly different in terms of design and character but all fulfill the same purpose of selling the character the goods they advertise.


  • 3.4 - Town Guard: Guardians found in larger towns. Knightly in appearance but ranging in motivations and allegiance be it to justice or to the demons spreading through the world.


  • 3.5 - Innkeeper: Any number of innkeepers encountered in the world. Provide a place to rest for the player character and party for a fee, restoring HP and Mana for all.


  • 3.6 - Priest: Any number of priests located in churches or roaming in the world. Restore the party’s prayer uses for a small tithe.


  • 3.7 - Villager: Basic NPCs found living in villages and towns. Offer little besides world building and hints.



  • 3.8 - Big Bad: A demon leader who commands a legion of demons and has control over a territory. Will act as a “boss” enemy for the player to fight at the end of a story arc.


4. Enemy NPCs

The player will be able to engage a variety of hostile NPCs in battle.


  • 4.1 - Living Onion: One of the first enemies the player will fight. A tutorial enemy in the form of a living evil onion. Incapable of many attacks but serves as a way to introduce status effects, damage types, and resistances to the player.


  • 4.2 - Scarecrow: Another of the first enemies the player will fight. A tutorial enemy in the form of an inanimate scarecrow. Incapable of attack but serves as a way to introduce the battle format to the player along with damage resistances.



  • 4.3 - Slime: Blob-like beings that while seem harmless are proven to be quite deadly as made evident by the human bones shown inside of it. Many roam the world in hopes to swarm their next prey.


  • 4.4 - Wolf: Furry four legged animal commonly found in forest. They attack in packs and their sharp teeth and claws make them formidable foes.


  • 4.5 - Skeleton: This servant of the undead used to be human but is now nothing but bones and full of fury.


  • 4.6 - Bandit: Individuals who prey on merchants and other travelers. They lurk in the forest outside of towns where they can quickly attack and escape. Capable of using a mix of range and melee weapons.


  • 4.7 - Devil: A sinister humanoid enemy. Known for their strength these enemies are average in speed but will need a lot of hits to defeat. These are the villains' main forces.


  • 4.8 - Imp: Lesser minions that while small in size still shouldn’t be underestimated. They are speedy creatures whose strength is nothing to laugh at. If left alone they will continuously attack until there is nothing left.



  • 4.9 - Boar: A large wild pig often found foraging for food in forests and fields. Their speed and sharp tusks can cause many problems for an unprepared traveler.


  • 4.10 - Soldier: An armored spearman employed in the military. Those that didn’t desert when the demons took over now serve them faithfully. Their tough armor and large numbers make them feared by all who oppose the demons.


  • 4.11 - Big Bad: A demon leader who commands a legion of demons and has control over a territory. Will act as a “boss” enemy for the player to fight at the end of a story arc.


  • 4.12 - Cultist: A human who reveres the demons as gods and has joined their fight against the resistance. While less powerful than most demons, their magical attacks are nothing to scoff at.



Players will be able to manage a party of up to four characters (including the player character), as well as the party's shared inventory, by adjusting characters' stats upon level-ups and allotting different equipment to each character.

5. Stats

The player will be able to modify the stats of the player character and other NPCs in the player's party upon a character levelling up, which occurs through the accruement of XP gained in combat.


  • 5.1 - Health: spr_health

How much damage a character can take before they are defeated. Displayed during battle and recoverable by healing potion, the heal prayer, and inns.

  • 5.2 - Agility: spr_agility A character’s ability to dodge, or move out of the way of an attack while it’s coming.
  • 5.3 - Strength: spr_strength A character’s raw strength. Dictates the ability to wield more brutal weapons and land strikes with more force.
  • 5.4 - Endurance: spr_endurance The weight a person can carry. Dictates the combined weight of the armor and weapons a character can carry.
  • 5.5 - Carrying Capacity: spr_carry The amount a character can carry on their person. Dictates how much the character can carry in terms of consumables like potions and weapons in battle.
  • 5.6 - Speed: spr_speed The swiftness of a character. Dictates turn order in battle. Those with higher speed go before those with slower speed.


  • 5.7 - Mana: spr_mana A character’s innate magical aptitude. Dictates how much Mana the character will have in battle and thus how many times they can use spells. Shown in battle beneath the character’s HP and recoverable using mana potions and priests’ blessings.
  • 5.8 - Intelligence: spr_intelligence A character’s mental prowess. Dictates the ability to understand and wield the arcane and magical effectively.
  • 5.9 - Faith: spr_faith A character’s faith in the divine. Dictates the strength of a character’s prayers and holy abilities.
  • 5.10 - Dexterity: spr_dexterity A character’s agility and skill. Dictates the ability to handle more precise, lethal weapons with skill and ease.

6. Weapons

The player will be able to equip a variety of weapons in the player character's inventory, as well as in their party characters', which will have different strengths and weaknesses in battle.


  • 6.1 - Scythe scythe Slashing. The player’s starting weapon. A scythe handed down in a family for farming. Has seen better days but its wear is testament to its build.


  • 6.2 - Sword: sword Slashing. A medium weight sword commonly used by guards and bandits alike. Unremarkable in construction but readily available even in the smallest villages. Great for hunting
  • 6.3 - Hammer: hammer Blunt. A hefty hammer often used for construction. Requires two hands to meaningfully handle. Strikes with this are slow yet crushing.
  • 6.4 - Bow: bow Piercing. A sturdy bow used for hunting game. A touch more difficult to use than standard melee weapons, a skilled ranger or huntsman can make this into a precise, deadly tool.
  • 6.5 - Staff: staff Magic. A basic staff, often a mage’s first. Natural materials and a surprising amount of care in its construction have made this staff reliable for channeling magic.
  • 6.6 - Spear: spear Piercing. A long spear favored by cavalry and foot soldiers alike for keeping the enemy at a distance. Despite its length, the shaft is sturdy enough for military use.
  • 6.7 - Fists: unarmed Blunt. Your own two hands. The most direct way of showing one’s strength. What it lacks in range it makes up for in speed and pushing power. Plus, you will hopefully always have them


  • 6.8 - Greatsword: greatsword Slashing. A large, heavy sword requiring two hands to wield. A trade off in strength and speed compared to a normal sword, this sword is often favored by heavy soldiers for its power and braggards for its weight.
  • 6.9 - Dagger: dagger Slashing. A small hunting dagger that often never leaves the side of any adventurer worth their salt. Lacking in reach and cutting depth, this dagger can move like lightning in a skilled hand.
  • 6.10 - Halberd: halberd Slashing. Another favorite by cavalry, this two handed weapon is known for its cleaving blows against more heavily armored opponents.
  • 6.11 - Battleaxe: battleaxe Slashing. A two handed heavy axe with two heads. The weapon of a more brutal fighter, its heavy heads allow for deep, powerful, if slow slashes.
  • 6.12 - Shield: shield Blunt. A defensive tool first and foremost, this takes one hand in order to bolster the user’s defenses. However, a firm bash with a shield has been known to stun enemies and throw them off balance.

7. Armor

The player will be able to equip different sets of armor to their party's characters, which will protect them during battle in different ways.


  • 7.1 - Light Armor: spr_icon_lightArmor Light and practical armor favored by regular guards and common foot soldiers. Provides modest additional defense at a low weight burden.
  • 7.2 - Heavy Armor: spr_icon_heavyArmor Hefty plate armor favored by stronger soldiers and knights. Its much higher weight is only matched by its much higher defense.


  • 7.3 - Mage Robes: The robes of a mage offer little defense but often provide other bonuses for the less physically inclined.

8. Consumables

The player will be able to use different consumables during battle to restore health or affect their character's status.


  • 8.1 - Healing Potion: spr_healthPotion A small red potion that heals a decent amount of HP. Tastes like rotten fruit.


  • 8.2 - Mana Potion: spr_manaPotion A small blue potion that restores a decent amount of Mana. Tastes acrid.
  • 8.3 - Antidote: spr_antidote A small white vial that heals poisoning. Tastes like sewer water.
  • 8.4 - Ointment: spr_ointment A small vial of beige ointment that heals burns. Leaves the skin feeling greasy for a while.
  • 8.5 - Hot Tea: spr_hotTea A warm cup of tea that unfreezes. Subtle yet pleasant in taste.


  • 8.6 - Bandage: spr_bandage A roll of medicinal bandages. Can be used to stop bleeding.
  • 8.7 - Prayer Slip: spr_prayerSlip A small slip with holy prayers written on it used to heal curses.
  • 8.8 - Consumable arrows: arrow A limited quantity of arrows used in place of a bow’s standard arrow. Can have various effects such as poisoning a target, exploding for fire damage, or simply dealing greater damage.
  • 8.9 - Alcohol: spr_beer A bracing alcohol that leaves its drinker feeling warm inside, negating the effects of freezing. Can also cause an additional random effect.


The player will be able to pit their party against hostile NPCs in combat, using a variety of weapons, prayers, and spells to inflict damage and status effects on opponents, and being rewarded with loot and XP upon emerging victorious.

9. Prayers

The player will be able to cast prayers on characters of either party, which cause negative or positive status effects based on the prayer chosen.


  • 9.1 - Heal: Heart A basic healing prayer. Used to target an ally or yourself to regain a set amount of health.


  • 9.2 - Attack Up: attackup

Envelope yourself or an ally with invigorating power. Causes target to deal more damage

  • 9.3 - Defense Up: defenseup

Envelope yourself or an ally with a defensive aura. Decreases damage taken for the target.

  • 9.4 - Freeze: freeze

A prayer that freezes the target in place for multiple turns leaving them unable to act.

  • 9.5 - Burn: fire

A prayer that burns the target, causing them to take damage after each turn.

  • 9.6 - Poison Fog: poisonfog

A prayer that creates a poison cloud around the opponent, poisoning them and causing steadily increasing damage after every turn.

10. Spells

The player will be able to cast magical spells which deal damage to enemy characters.


  • 10.1 - Fireball: fireball

Fire. Conjure up a flame and hurl it at your enemy. Deals fire damage and chance to inflict the burn status effect.


  • 10.2 - Zap: shock

Lightning. Summon electricity to shock your enemy. Deals lightning damage and chance to inflict the stun status effect.

  • 10.3 - Ice Spike: icespike

Ice. Form a large icicle in the air and launch it towards your enemy. Deals ice damage and a chance to inflict the frozen status effect.


  • 10.4 - Sludge Toss: sludge

Poison. Command a ball of toxic essence and send it flying at your enemy. Deals poison damage and a chance to inflict the poison status effect.

  • 10.5 - Magic Missile: magicmissile

Magic. Use your magic power itself and fire it at an enemy. Deals piercing damage.

  • 10.6 - Conjure Knife: knife

Slash. Command a knife magical in nature and watch it fly toward your enemy. Deals slash damage.

  • 10.7 - Stone Throw: stone

Blunt. Pick up a rock and throw it at your enemy. Deals blunt damage.

11. Damage Types

The player will be able to cause damage in a variety of ways, which are governed by the type of weapon or spell used.


  • 11.1 - Magic: staff Magical damage associated with staves and other magical objects.
  • 11.2 - Slash: sword A physical damage type associated with cutting weapons.
  • 11.3 - Pierce: bow A physical damage type associated with projectiles and stabbing weapons.
  • 11.4 - Blunt: hammer A physical damage type associated with blunt and heavy damage types.


  • 11.5 - Fire: spr_burn An elemental damage type associated with fire and explosions.
  • 11.6 - Ice: spr_frozen An elemental damage type associated with cold and ice.
  • 11.7 - Lightning: spr_stun An elemental damage type associated with electricity.
  • 11.8 - Poison: spr_poison An elemental damage type associated with poison and rot. Effective against the living.

12. Status Effects

The player will be able to cause or receive different status effects, which can help or harm them depending on the effect.


  • 12.1 Burn: spr_burn The status effect of burn. Caused by fire aligned weapons, the fireball spell or the burn prayer. Targets with this effect will take damage after each turn.


  • 12.2 - Frozen: spr_frozen The frozen status effect. Caused by ice aligned weapons, the ice spike spell or the freeze prayer. Targets with this effect will be unable to act for multiple turns.
  • 12.3 - Stun: spr_stun The stun status effect. Caused by lightning aligned weapons or the zap spell. Targets with this effect will miss their next action.
  • 12.4 - Poison: spr_poison The poison status effect. Caused by poison aligned weapons or the poison fog prayer. Targets with this effect will take increasing damage after every turn.


  • 12.5 - Bleed: spr_bleed A bleed status effect. Caused by deep wounds that bleed profusely. Targets with this effect will take damage after each turn.