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01. Starting off

SDClowen edited this page Aug 9, 2022 · 1 revision
  1. Download the bot from here and remember to exclude your bots’ installation path from the antivirus software that you’re using.
  2. After installation a pop-up window will show, if you don't have .NET 6 Desktop runtime x64/x86 there is a link for it in that pop-up to install it. Alternatively if you try to launch the bot without the runtime, it'll redirect you to the site.
  3. Once you lauch the bot, it will require you to locate sro_client.exe in your silkroad folder, after that the program should open.
  4. After the program opens you’ll need to select your client type. Global for iSRO, Vietnam for vSRO (this also includes MOST private servers [bot has 3 options for Vietnam, so try others if one doesn’t seem to work.]), Turkey for TRSRO etc. You can also relocate the sro_client.exe with the button containing 3 dots.

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