#Fall16Team-1 #TPMS - CMPE 272 GROUP PROJECT UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PROF.RAKESH RANJAN Tyre Pressure Monitoring System using Internet of Things.
#Team Members: Harsh Mehta Disha Sheth Aishwarya Keerty Bhavankumar Pandya
#Abstract: Tyre Pressure Monitoring System are safety devices installed to warn the user that atleast one or more tyres are either under or over inflated. The Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation Act dictates that vehicles in United States must include a tyre pressure monitoring system of some kind. There has been a constant surge in accidents due to uncertainty about the tyre pressure. Therefore, to address this problem, we are proposing a simple, economic and practical solution in the form of a mobile application which alerts the user when the pressure goes down the permissible limit. This can be achieved using Sensor Technology and IOT.
The main idea is to monitor the pressure using a sensor, attached to the tyre, then push the data to the cloud servers.When the tyre pressure is below or above the required limit, push notification will be sent to the user as an alert.
#Competitive Landscape: Low pressure in tyres can be displayed either using indirect TPMS or direct TPMS. Indirect TPMS relies on speed sensors whereas direct TPMS relies on pressure monitoring sensors. There are very few software applications available to analyse low pressure in tyres. Most of the available systems are not economical. For example: Garmin Tyre pressure monitoring sensors are available at $70 per unit.
#Differentiator: Our proposed solution will provide the benefits of both modern hardware and software technologies at a reasonable cost. Our application will take data from the server and alert the user when the pressure drops below the limit.
#Technology Stack: Programming Languages: Java, Javascript Frameworks: Mean Stack DB: Temporal Angular UI: Angular Material Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Pressure Sensors
Database Service: AWS RDS a) We choose RDS as our database to store sensor data. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) is a web based database which works as a relation database system.
b) Enterprise Computing Platform: Eclipse We write the backend of the project in Java language, front-end in Html, css and javascript. We use Eclipse as our computing platform.
c) front end design: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery
#Activity flow diagram is added to the repository.
#Persona 1: Car-driver Name : XXXX XXXX Gender : Male/Female Primary Goal : Car driving and depending on the notification received for inappropriate tyre pressure,take proper action.
#Persona 2: Car-owner Name : XXXX XXXX Gender : Male/Female Primary Goal : Depending on the notification received for inappropriate tyre pressure,take proper action.
#User Story 1 : As a car driver, I can register and then login to the mobile application to receive notification at proper time and thus avoid accidents.
#User Story 2 : As a car driver, I can receive notifications for lower tyre pressure and take appropriate action for the tyre.
#User Story 3 : As a car owner, I can register and then login to the application to receive and track notifications to notify the car driver.
#User Story 4 : As a car owner, I can receive notifications for lower tyre pressure and inform and instruct the driver to take proper action outside the system.
Above diagram shows the complete flow of data in the application. Virtual Sensors try to monitors the tyre pressure and once the pressure reduces below certain value, the notification is sent to the driver on his mobile application.
He also will be able to track down the sensors using web application. He will be able to work add new sensors, configure them to suit his needs.
We have used AWS RD5 service for storing the user database.