Own rough implementation of processing (assemble) sony pixel-shift RAW files
There are 2 experimental Win64 builds:
OpenCV-based, 50 mb size (16 bit TIFF export)
PIL-based, ~25 mb size (8 bit TIFF exrpot only)
Grab here - https://drive.google.com/open?id=12B7M-CB-NoO0EIPNVZpPE0AaLKCeaSv8
- Start script
- When fileopen dialog appear, select FIRST RAW file in batch of 4 files series to be processed.
- Wait
- See the processed 16-bit TIFF file (with name of first RAW file + PSMS suffix) in the same folder as RAW files
- No lens correction made
- No subpixel edge smoothing filtering
- ARQ input not supported yet
TO DO (in future may be):
- Replace opencv module with less space consuming (to make more compact executables)
- Copy EXIF from RAW to TIFF
- Add support of ARQ input files (when rawpy and it's libraries will support it and API released)
- Make Windows single-file executable
- Python 2.7.x (64 bit!)
- Rawpy module (to extract bayer image and camera data from shot)
- OpenCV-python module (to process image and save to 16-bit TIFF)