Releases: SOM-Research/jsonDiscoverer
Just before v2.0.0
This release includes all the modifications before v2.0.0
Support for downloading the domains
The Simple Discoverer provides now a link to allow downloading the discoverer domain model. The model will be formated in XMI and will conform to the Ecore metamodel (main metamodeling framework in Eclipse).
Composition discoverer
This new release incorporates a new component which allows you to study how different JSON-based APIs can be composed.
Previous version analyzed the json files using a xtext-based parser. This release uses the GSON library to analyze JSON files.
Web-based release
We have provided a website to allow playing with the discoverer.
Prototype release
This release was the first one we published. It is the Java implementation of the JSON discoverers.
The tool is inspired in the research paper Discovering Implicit Schemas in JSON Data published in the ICWE'13 conference.