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Add a new national RSE Chapter

Philipp S. Sommer edited this page May 29, 2020 · 1 revision

Contributing RSE chapters are defined in the _data/committee/national_chapters.yml file. They basically have the same structure as a contributing member, but with small differences. Suppose, you want to add the uk-RSE chapter, then keep in mind that

  1. you add it as a dictionary item, i.e.
        name: ...
    instead of
    - name: ...
    (the latter would be what you do to add a committee member)
  2. the key must not contain dashes (-)
  3. you must not add teams to the config
  4. you need to specify an internal link, in our case
        internal: /contact/#ukRSE
  5. you should rather use the long_name attribute instead of the affiliation (see the card elements).
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