python 3.6 (The compression model requires python 3.6, if you change to another model, you can switch to a higher version of python.)
CUDA 10.0 (The compression model requires this version, if you change to another model, you can switch to a higher version)
cuDNN 7.6 (The compression model requires this version, if you change to another model, you can switch to a higher version)
nltk with the resource 'stopwords', 'wordnet', 'omw-1.4' and 'averaged_perceptron_tagger'
spacy3.2 with trained pipelines:en_core_web_lg-3.2.0 (You can use a higher version of SpaCy. the parsing results of different versions, may be slightly different, but it does not matter.)
1. Download stanfordnlp, link is
Make sure you have the Jdk8 environment installed before running, you can run this script as follows:
dir: In the JAR package directory
command: java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000
2.Select the specified task and specify the start point and end point
3.You can run this script as follows:
python -T xx -S xx -E xx -CS xx (MRC required) -CE xx (MRC required)
MRC: python -T MRC -S 0 -E 871 -CS 0 -CE 200
SA: python -T SA --S 0 -E 100
SSM: python -T SSM -S 0 -E 100
task can be "MRC","SA","SSM"; S(start_idx) and E(end_idx) should be integer and be within the scope of the data source.
4.You can find the output in the specified directory
dir: ./new_tests/
mrc: dev_mrc_lego_test.json
sa: sa_lego_test.tsv
ssm: qqp_lego_test.tsv
- XLNet:
- ERNIE2.0:
- RoBERTa:
- DeBERTa:
result_analysis holds assessment results of DeBERTa and ChatGPT Included:
- wmc_res (Word Meaning Comprehension)
- ner_res (Named Entity Recognition)
- lr_res (Logical Reasioning)
- sr_res (Sentiment Recognitn)
- wmc_res
- ner_res
- lr_res
- sr_res