The lobo2 project is a simple bittorrent tracker and metadata repository with support for some form of external authentication infrastructure (eg federated identity).
There is also an OAUTH2-authenticated API. Possible use-cases include distribution of research datasets and library services. Unline its predecessor (the lobber codebase), lobo2 doesn't include any clent-side support, instead it is assumed that users will figure out how to integrate with the lobo2 API.
- Python newer than 2.7 (not tested on python 3)
- Redis running on localhost
- For production you also need an http proxy that can do authentication and set REMOTE_USER
- clone the repo
- create a virtualenv based on requirements.txt
- modify/create - minimally change SECRET. For production use remove AUTH_TEST and modify BASE_URL.
- in a directory one-level up from the cloned repo run
# . /your/virtualenv/activate
# gunicorn --log-level debug lobo2:app`
- point your browser to localhost:8000
- profit!
API docs are at http://localhost:8000/docs/api