VEDA TensorFlow is a library to add device support for the NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA into TensorFlow using the Pluggable Device API.
Version | Comment |
v7 |
v6 |
v5 |
v4 |
v3 |
v2 |
v1 | Initial Release |
This error is caused by the combination of RH-Python38 package and using a VirtualEnv. Due to improper checking for symlinks in TensorFlow the device support library gets loaded and initialized twice causing this error message.
You can use the following workaround as long as the bug is not resolved in TensorFlow.
import sys
import os
sys.path = list(set(os.path.realpath(p) for p in sys.path))
import site
getsitepackages = site.getsitepackages
def getsitepackages_(prefixes=None):
return list(filter(lambda x: 'lib64' not in x, getsitepackages(prefixes)))
site.getsitepackages = getsitepackages_
import tensorflow
I get the error message "tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: 'visible_device_list' listed an invalid Device id '1' but visible device count is 1"
This is a known problem within TF due to TF throws: "'visible_device_list' listed an invalid Device id" when using non-GPU PluggableDevices when using CUDA and VE devices at the same time. The VE devices get added to list of GPUs, ultimately creating invalid devices indices.
Either you need to manually patch your TF installation (see the TF issue), or
to disable either the
CUDA or VE devices.