A web application that lets user access weather related statistics in a user-friendly way for a entered location.
Open Deployed Project can be found here.
A list of technologies used within the project:
- React: Version ^18.2.0
- Typescript: Version ^4.9.5
- Three: Version ^0.156.0
This web application will let you access weather statistics about a entered location.Not only that you also get a location marker marking the entered location on a globe which I built with Three.js. The details of weather currently provided are :
- City Latitude,Longitude
- Weather condition
- Weather description
- Temperature(with Temp-min and Temp-max)
- Pressure and Humidity
- Rain(1h) and Rain(3h)
- Clouds (all)
Currently I am trying to work on how to rotate and zoom the globe on the entered location marker for better user experience.