Create lists with your favorite Unity Asset Store assets and Download and Import them all at once with this tool.
This is a package for Unity, so to install it, go to the package manager window and click on " + > Add package from git URL". Then paste the following link into the textbox that appears to add the package to your project.
Back-up your project before using this package!
- Open the Asset Retriever Window in Window > Asset Retriever.
- Add assets to the "Default Assets" list by simply clicking on them from the left panel. You can also remove assets again by clicking on them.
- Click the "Download and Import" button next to the Default Assets list to download and import all the assets from the list into your current project.
- Wait until everything is imported, this could take a while depending on how many assets you have in your list.
- Your list is saved across all projects as long as the package is installed.