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Terraform Provider Plugin for PHPIPAM

This repository holds a external plugin for a Terraform provider to manage resources within PHPIPAM, an open source IP address management system.


PHPIPAM is an open source IP address management system written in PHP. It has an evolving API that allows for the management and lookup of data that has been entered into the system. Through our Go integration phpipam-sdk-go, we have been able to take this API and integrate it into Terraform, allowing for the management and lookup of sections, VLANs, subnets, and IP addresses, entirely within Terraform.


See the Plugin Basics page of the Terraform docs to see how to plunk this into your config. Check the releases page of this repo to get releases for Linux, OS X, and Windows.


After installation, to use the plugin, simply use any of its resources or data sources (such as phpipam_subnet or phpipam_address in a Terraform configuration.

Credentials can be supplied via configuration variables to the phpipam provider instance, or via environment variables. These are documented in the next section.

You can see the following example below for a simple usage example that reserves the first available IP address in a subnet. This address could then be passed along to the configuration for a VM, say, for example, a vsphere_virtual_machine resource.

provider "phpipam" {
  app_id   = "test"
  endpoint = ""
  password = "PHPIPAM_PASSWORD"
  username = "Admin"

data "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  subnet_address = ""
  subnet_mask    = 24

data "phpipam_first_free_address" "next_address" {
  subnet_id = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"

resource "phpipam_address" {
  subnet_id   = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"
  ip_address  = "${data.phpipam_first_free_address.next_address.ip_address}"
  hostname    = "tf-test-host.example.internal"
  description = "Managed by Terraform"

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

Plugin Options

The options for the plugin are as follows:

  • app_id - The API application ID, configured in the PHPIPAM API panel. This application ID should have read/write access if you are planning to use the resources, but read-only access should be sufficient if you are only using the data sources. Can also be supplied by the PHPIPAM_APP_ID environment variable.
  • endpoint - The full URL to the PHPIPAM API endpoint, such as Can also be supplied by the PHPIPAM_ENDPOINT_ADDR environment variable.
  • password - The password to access the PHPIPAM API with. Can also be supplied via PHPIPAM_PASSWORD to prevent plain text password storage in config.
  • username - The user name to access the PHPIPAM API with. Can also be supplied via the PHPIPAM_USER_NAME variable.

Data Sources

The following data sources are supplied by this plugin:

The phpipam_address Data Source

The phpipam_address data source allows one to get information about a specific IP address within PHPIPAM. Use this address to get general information about a specific IP address such as its host name, description and more.

Lookups for IP addresses can only happen at this time via its entry in the database, or the IP address itself. Future versions of this resource, when such features become generally available in the PHPIPAM API, will allow lookup based on host name, allowing for better ability for this resource to discover IP addresses that have been pre-assigned for a specific resource.


data "phpipam_address" "address" {
  ip_address = ""

output "address_description" {
  value = "${data.phpipam_address.address.description}"

Example With description:

data "phpipam_address" "address" {
  subnet_id         = 3
  description_match = "Customer 1"

output "address_description" {
  value = "${data.phpipam_address.address.description}"

Example With custom_field_filter:

data "phpipam_address" "address" {
  subnet_id = 3

  custom_field_filter {
    CustomTestAddresses = ".*terraform.*"

output "address_description" {
  value = "${data.phpipam_address.address.description}"
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • address_id - The ID of the IP address in the PHPIPAM database.
  • ip_address - The actual IP address in PHPIPAM.
  • subnet_id - The ID of the subnet that the address resides in. This is required to search on the description or hostname fields.
  • description - The description of the IP address. subnet_id is required when using this field.
  • hostname - The host name of the IP address. subnet_id is required when using this field.
  • custom_field_filter - A map of custom fields to search for. The filter values are regular expressions that follow the RE2 syntax for which you can find documentation here. All fields need to match for the match to succeed.

⚠️ NOTE: description, hostname, and custom_field_filter fields return the first match found without any warnings. If you are looking to return multiple addresses, combine this data source with the phpipam_addresses data source.

⚠️ NOTE: An empty or unspecified custom_field_filter value is the equivalent to a regular expression that matches everything, and hence will return the first address it sees in the subnet.

Arguments are processed in the following order of precedence:

  • address_id
  • ip_address
  • subnet_id, and either one of description, hostname, or custom_field_filter
Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • address_id - The ID of the IP address in the PHPIPAM database.
  • ip_address - the IP address.
  • subnet_id - The database ID of the subnet this IP address belongs to.
  • is_gateway - true if this IP address has been designated as a gateway.
  • description - The description provided to this IP address.
  • hostname - The hostname supplied to this IP address.
  • owner - The owner name provided to this IP address.
  • mac_address - The MAC address provided to this IP address.
  • state_tag_id - The tag ID in the database for the IP address' specific state. NOTE: This is currently represented as an integer but may change to the specific string representation at a later time.
  • skip_ptr_record - true if PTR records are not being created for this IP address.
  • ptr_record_id - The ID of the associated PTR record in the PHPIPAM database.
  • device_id - The ID of the associated device in the PHPIPAM database.
  • switch_port_label - A string port label that is associated with this address.
  • note - The note supplied to this IP address.
  • last_seen - The last time this IP address answered ping probes.
  • exclude_ping - true if this address is excluded from ping probes.
  • edit_date - The last time this resource was modified.
  • custom_fields - A key/value map of custom fields for this address.
The phpipam_addresses Data Source

The phpipam_addresses data source allows you to search for IP addresses, much in the same way as you can in the single-form phpipam_address data source. However, multiple addresses are returned from this data source as a single list of address IDs as they are found in the PHPIPAM database. You can then use the single-form phpipam_address data source to extract the IP data for each matched address in the database.


⚠️ NOTE: The below example requires Terraform v0.9.0 or later!

data "phpipam_addresses" "address_search" {
  subnet_id = 3

  custom_field_filter {
    CustomTestAddresses = ".*terraform.*"

data "phpipam_address" "addresses" {
  count      = "${length(data.phpipam_addresses.address_search.address_ids)}"
  address_id = "${element(data.phpipam_addresses.address_search.address_ids, count.index)}"

output "ip_addresses" {
  value = ["${data.phpipam_address.addresses.*.ip_address}"]
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • subnet_id (Required) - The ID of the subnet that the address resides in. This is required to search on the description or hostname fields.

One of the following fields is required alongside subnet_id:

  • description - The description of the IP address. subnet_id is required when using this field.
  • hostname - The host name of the IP address. subnet_id is required when using this field.
  • custom_field_filter - A map of custom fields to search for. The filter values are regular expressions that follow the RE2 syntax for which you can find documentation here. All fields need to match for the match to succeed.

⚠️ NOTE: An empty or unspecified custom_field_filter value is the equivalent to a regular expression that matches everything, and hence will return all addresses that contain the referenced custom field key!

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • address_ids - A list of discovered IP address IDs.
The phpipam_first_free_address Data Source

The phpipam_first_free_address data source allows you to get the next available IP address in a specific subnet in PHPIPAM. Using this resource allows you to automatically allocate an IP address that can be used as an IP address in resources such as vsphere_virtual_machine, or other virtual machine-like resources that require static IP addresses.

Note that not having any addresses available will cause the Terraform run to fail. Conversely, marking a subnet as unavailable or used will not prevent this data source from returning an IP address, so be aware of this while using this resource.


// Look up the subnet
data "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  subnet_address = ""
  subnet_mask    = 24

// Get the first available address
data "phpipam_first_free_address" "next_address" {
  subnet_id = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"

// Reserve the address. Note that we use ignore_changes here to ensure that we
// don't end up re-allocating this address on future Terraform runs.
resource "phpipam_address" {
  subnet_id   = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"
  ip_address  = "${data.phpipam_first_free_address.next_address.ip_address}"
  hostname    = "tf-test-host.example.internal"
  description = "Managed by Terraform"

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

// Supply the IP address to an instance. Note that we are also ignoring
// network_interface here to ensure the IP address does not get re-calculated.
resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "web" {
  name   = "terraform-web"
  vcpu   = 2
  memory = 4096

  network_interface {
    label        = "VM Network"
    ipv4_address = "${data.phpipam_first_free_address.next_address.ip_address}"

  disk {
    template = "centos-7"

  ignore_changes = [
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • subnet_id - The ID of the subnet to look up the address in.
Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • ip_address - The next available IP address.

The phpipam_section Data Source

The phpipam_section data source allows one to look up a specific section, either by database ID or name. This data can then be used to manage other parts of PHPIPAM, such as in the event that the section name is known but not its ID, which is required for managing subnets.


data "phpipam_section" "section" {
  name = "Customers"

resource "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  section_id = "${data.phpipam_section.section.section_id}"
  subnet_address = ""
  subnet_mask = 24
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • section_id - The ID of the section to look up.
  • name - The name of the section to look up.

One of section_id or name must be supplied. If both are supplied, section_id is used.

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • section_id - The ID of the section in the PHPIPAM database.
  • name - The name of the section.
  • description - The section's description.
  • master_section_id - The ID of the parent section in the PHPIPAM database.
  • permissions - A JSON representation of permissions for this section.
  • strict_mode - true if this subnet is set up to check that IP addresses are valid for the subnets they are in.
  • subnet_ordering - How subnets in this section are ordered.
  • display_order - The section's display order number.
  • edit_date - The date this resource was last edited.
  • show_vlan_in_subnet_listing - true if VLANs are being shown in the subnet listing for this section.
  • show_vrf_in_subnet_listing - true if VRFs are being shown in the subnet listing for this section.
  • show_supernet_only - true if supernets are only being shown in the subnet listing.
  • dns_resolver_id - The ID of the DNS resolver to use in the section.

The phpipam_first_free_subnet Data Source

The phpipam_first_free_subnet data source returns first available subnet within given master_subnet_id for specified subnet_mask


data "phpipam_first_free_subnet"  "subnet" {
  master_subnet_id = "9"
  subnet_mask    = "26"

output	subnet_cidr_block {
	value = "${data.phpipam_first_free_subnet.subnet.subnet_address}"
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • master_subnet_id (Required) - The ID of the parent subnet for this subnet
  • subnet_mask (Required) - The subnet mask of first available subnet, in bits.
Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • subnet_address - The network address of the subnet subnet.

The phpipam_subnet Data Source

The phpipam_subnet data source gets information on a subnet such as its ID (required for creating addresses), description, and more.


// Look up the subnet
data "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  subnet_address = ""
  subnet_mask    = 24

// Reserve the address.
resource "phpipam_address" {
  subnet_id   = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"
  ip_address  = ""
  hostname    = "tf-test-host.example.internal"
  description = "Managed by Terraform"

Example with description_match:

// Look up the subnet (matching on either case of "customer")
data "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  section_id        = 1
  description_match = "[Cc]ustomer 2"

// Get the first available address
data "phpipam_first_free_address" "next_address" {
  subnet_id = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"

// Reserve the address. Note that we use ignore_changes here to ensure that we
// don't end up re-allocating this address on future Terraform runs.
resource "phpipam_address" {
  subnet_id   = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"
  ip_address  = "${data.phpipam_first_free_address.next_address.ip_address}"
  hostname    = "tf-test-host.example.internal"
  description = "Managed by Terraform"

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

Example With custom_field_filter:

// Look up the subnet
data "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  section_id = 1

  custom_field_filter = {
    CustomTestSubnets = ".*terraform.*"

// Get the first available address
data "phpipam_first_free_address" "next_address" {
  subnet_id = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"

// Reserve the address. Note that we use ignore_changes here to ensure that we
// don't end up re-allocating this address on future Terraform runs.
resource "phpipam_address" {
  subnet_id   = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"
  ip_address  = "${data.phpipam_first_free_address.next_address.ip_address}"
  hostname    = "tf-test-host.example.internal"
  description = "Managed by Terraform"

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • section_id - The ID of the section of the subnet. Required if you are looking up a subnet using the description or description_match arguments.
  • subnet_id - The ID of the subnet to look up.
  • subnet_address - The network address of the subnet to look up.
  • subnet_mask - The subnet mask, in bits, of the subnet to look up.
  • description - The subnet's description. section_id is required if you want to use this option.
  • description_match - A regular expression to match against when searching for a subnet. section_id is required if you want to use this option.
  • custom_field_filter - A map of custom fields to search for. The filter values are regular expressions that follow the RE2 syntax for which you can find documentation here. All fields need to match for the match to succeed.

⚠️ NOTE: Searches with the description, description_match and custom_field_filter fields return the first match found without any warnings. Conversely, the resource fails if it somehow finds multiple results on a CIDR (subnet and mask) search - this is to assert that you are getting the subnet you requested. If you want to return multiple results, combine this data source with the phpipam_subnets data source.

⚠️ NOTE: An empty or unspecified custom_field_filter value is the equivalent to a regular expression that matches everything, and hence will return the first subnetit sees in the section.

Arguments are processed in the following order of precedence:

  • subnet_id
  • subnet_address and subnet_mask
  • section_id, and either one of description, description_match, or custom_field_filter
Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • subnet_id - The ID of the subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • subnet_address - The network address of the subnet.
  • subnet_mask - The subnet mask, in bits.
  • description - The description set for the subnet.
  • section_id - The ID of the section for this address in the PHPIPAM database.
  • linked_subnet_id - The ID of the linked subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • vlan_id - The ID of the VLAN for this subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • vrf_id - The ID of the VRF for this subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • master_subnet_id - The ID of the parent subnet for this subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • nameserver_id - The ID of the nameserver used to assign PTR records for this subnet.
  • show_name - true if the subnet name is are shown in the section, instead of the network address.
  • permissions - A JSON representation of the permissions associated with this subnet.
  • create_ptr_records - true if PTR records are created for addresses in this subnet.
  • display_hostnames - true if hostnames are displayed instead of IP addresses in the address listing for this subnet.
  • allow_ip_requests - true if the subnet allows IP requests in PHPIPAM.
  • scan_agent_id - The ID of the ping scan agent that is used for this subnet.
  • include_in_ping - true if this subnet is included in ping probes.
  • host_discovery_enabled - true if this subnet is included in new host scans.
  • is_folder - true if this subnet is a folder and not an actual subnet.
  • is_full - true if the subnet has been marked as full.
  • state_tag_id - The ID of the state tag for this subnet. This may become an actual string representation of this at a later time (example: Used).
  • utilization_threshold - The subnet's utilization threshold.
  • location_id - The ID of the location for this subnet.
  • edit_date - The date this resource was last updated.
  • custom_fields - A key/value map of custom fields for this subnet.
The phpipam_subnets Data Source

The phpipam_subnets data source allows you to search for subnets, much in the same way as you can in the single-form phpipam_subnet data source. However, multiple subnets are returned from this data source as a single list of subnet IDs as they are found in the PHPIPAM database. You can then use the single-form phpipam_subnet data source to extract the subnet data for each matched network in the database.


⚠️ NOTE: The below example requires Terraform v0.9.0 or later!

data "phpipam_subnets" "subnet_search" {
  subnet_id = 3

  custom_field_filter {
    CustomTestSubnets = ".*terraform.*"

data "phpipam_subnet" "subnets" {
  count     = "${length(data.phpipam_subnets.subnet_search.subnet_ids)}"
  subnet_id = "${element(data.phpipam_subnets.subnet_search.subnet_ids, count.index)}"

output "subnet_addresses" {
  value = ["${data.phpipam_subnet.subnets.*.ip_address}"]

output "subnet_cidrs" {
  value = ["${formatlist("%s/%d", data.phpipam_subnet.subnets.*.subnet_address, data.phpipam_subnet.subnets.*.subnet_mask)}"]
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • section_id (Required) - The ID of the section of the subnet.

One of the following below parameters is required:

  • description - The subnet's description.
  • description_match - A regular expression to match against when searching for a subnet.
  • custom_field_filter - A map of custom fields to search for. The filter values are regular expressions. All fields need to match for the match to succeed.

You can find documentation for the regular expression syntax used with the description_match and custom_field_filter attributes here.

⚠️ NOTE: An empty or unspecified custom_field_filter value is the equivalent to a regular expression that matches everything, and hence will return all subnets that contain the referenced custom field key!

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • subnet_ids - A list of subnet IDs that match the given criteria.

The phpipam_vlan Data Source

The phpipam_vlan data source allows one to look up a VLAN in the PHPIPAM database. This can then be used to assign a VLAN to a subnet in the phpipam_subnet resource. It can also be used to gather other information on the VLAN.


data "phpipam_section" "section" {
  name = "Customers"

data "phpipam_vlan" "vlan" {
  number = 1000

resource "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  section_id     = "${data.phpipam_section.section.section_id}"
  subnet_address = ""
  subnet_mask    = 24
  vlan_id        = "${data.phpipam_vlan.vlan.vlan_id}"
Argument Reference

The data source takes the following parameters:

  • vlan_id - The ID of the VLAN to look up. NOTE: this is the database ID, not the VLAN number - if you need this, use the number parameter.
  • number - The number of the VLAN to look up.

One of vlan_id or number must be supplied. If both are supplied, vlan_id is used.

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • vlan_id - The ID of the VLAN to look up. NOTE: this is the database ID, not the VLAN number - if you need this, use the number parameter.
  • number - The number of the VLAN (the actual VLAN ID on your switch).
  • l2_domain_id - The layer 2 domain ID in the PHPIPAM database.
  • name - The name/label of the VLAN.
  • description - The description supplied to the VLAN.
  • edit_date - The date this resource was last updated.
  • custom_fields - A key/value map of custom fields for this VLAN.


The following resources are supplied by this plugin:

The phpipam_address Resource

The phpipam_address resource manages an IP address in PHPIPAM. You can use it to create IP address reservations for IP addresses that have been created by other Terraform resources, or supplied by the phpipam_first_free_address data source. An example usage is below.

⚠️ NOTE: If you are using the phpipam_first_free_address to get the first free IP address in a specific subnet, make sure you set subnet_id and ip_address as ignored attributes with the ignore_changes lifecycle attribute. This will prevent Terraform from perpetually deleting and re-allocating the address when it sees a different available IP address in the phpipam_first_free_address data source.


// Look up the subnet
data "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  subnet_address = ""
  subnet_mask    = 24

// Get the first available address
data "phpipam_first_free_address" "next_address" {
  subnet_id = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"

// Reserve the address. Note that we use ignore_changes here to ensure that we
// don't end up re-allocating this address on future Terraform runs.
resource "phpipam_address" {
  subnet_id   = "${data.phpipam_subnet.subnet.subnet_id}"
  ip_address  = "${data.phpipam_first_free_address.next_address.ip_address}"
  hostname    = "tf-test-host.example.internal"
  description = "Managed by Terraform"

  custom_fields = {
    CustomTestAddresses = "terraform-test"

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
Argument Reference

The resource takes the following parameters:

  • subnet_id (Required) - The database ID of the subnet this IP address belongs to.
  • ip_address (Required) - The IP address to reserve.
  • is_gateway (Optional) - true if this IP address has been designated as a gateway.
  • description (Optional) - The description provided to this IP address.
  • hostname (Optional) - The hostname supplied to this IP address.
  • owner (Optional) - The owner name provided to this IP address.
  • mac_address (Optional) - The MAC address provided to this IP address.
  • state_tag_id (Optional) - The tag ID in the database for the IP address' specific state. NOTE: This is currently represented as an integer but may change to the specific string representation at a later time.
  • skip_ptr_record (Optional) - true if PTR records are not being created for this IP address.
  • ptr_record_id (Optional) - The ID of the associated PTR record in the PHPIPAM database.
  • device_id (Optional) - The ID of the associated device in the PHPIPAM database.
  • switch_port_label (Optional) - A string port label that is associated with this address.
  • note (Optional) - The note supplied to this IP address.
  • exclude_ping (Optional) - true if this address is excluded from ping probes.
  • remove_dns_on_delete (Optional) - Removes DNS records created by PHPIPAM when the address is deleted from Terraform. Defaults to true.
  • custom_fields (Optional) - A key/value map of custom fields for this address.

⚠️ NOTE on custom fields: PHPIPAM installations with custom fields must have all fields set to optional when using this plugin. For more info see here. Further to this, either ensure that your fields also do not have default values, or ensure the default is set in your TF configuration. Diff loops may happen otherwise!

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • address_id - The ID of the IP address in the PHPIPAM database.
  • last_seen - The last time this IP address answered ping probes.
  • edit_date - The last time this resource was modified.

The phpipam_section Resource

The phpipam_section resource manages a PHPIPAM section - a top-level category that subnets and IP addresses are entered into. Use this resource if you want to manage a section entirely from Terraform. If you just need to get information on a section use the phpipam_section data source instead.


// Create a section
resource "phpipam_section" "section" {
  name        = "tf-test"
  description = "Terraform test section"
Argument Reference

The resource takes the following parameters:

  • name (Required) - The name of the section.
  • description (Optional) - The section's description.
  • master_section_id (Optional) - The ID of the parent section in the PHPIPAM database.
  • strict_mode (Optional) - true if this subnet is set up to check that IP addresses are valid for the subnets they are in.
  • subnet_ordering (Optional) - How subnets in this section are ordered.
  • display_order (Optional) - The section's display order number.
  • show_vlan_in_subnet_listing (Optional) - true if VLANs are being shown in the subnet listing for this section.
  • show_vrf_in_subnet_listing (Optional) - true if VRFs are being shown in the subnet listing for this section.
  • show_supernet_only (Optional) - true if supernets are only being shown in the subnet listing.
  • dns_resolver_id (Optional) - The ID of the DNS resolver to use in the section.
Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • section_id - The ID of the section in the PHPIPAM database.
  • edit_date - The date this resource was last edited.

The phpipam_first_free_subnet Resource

The phpipam_first_free_subnet resouce can be used to checkout and manage a subnet in PHPIPAM. It is same as creating subnet using phpipam_subnet resource, with an option to checkout first free subnet from given master_subnet_id and subnet_mask


resource "phpipam_first_free_subnet"  "subnet" {
  master_subnet_id = 9
  subnet_mask    = 24
  custom_fields = {
    CustomTestSubnets = "terraform-test"


Argument Reference

The resouce takes following parameters:

  • master_subnet_id (Required) - The ID of the parent subnet for this subnet
  • subnet_mask (Required) - The subnet mask, in bits.

⚠️ NOTE on custom fields: PHPIPAM installations with custom fields must have all fields set to optional when using this plugin. For more info see here. Further to this, either ensure that your fields also do not have default values, or ensure the default is set in your TF configuration. Diff loops may happen otherwise!

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • subnet_id - The ID of the subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • subnet_address - The network address of the subnet
  • permissions - A JSON representation of the permissions associated with this subnet.
  • edit_date - The date this resource was last updated.

The phpipam_subnet Resource

The phpipam_subnet resource can be used to create and manage a subnet in PHPIPAM. Use it to manage details on subnets you create in Terraform for other things, such as storing the IDs of the subnets you create for AWS, or for a full top-down management of subnets and IP addresses in Terraform. If you just need to get information on a subnet, use the phpipam_subnet data source instead.


data "phpipam_section" "section" {
  name = "Customers"

resource "phpipam_subnet" "subnet" {
  section_id     = "${data.phpipam_section.section.section_id}"
  subnet_address = ""
  subnet_mask    = 24

  custom_fields = {
    CustomTestSubnets = "terraform-test"
Argument Reference

The resource takes the following parameters:

  • subnet_address (Required) - The network address of the subnet.
  • subnet_mask (Required) - The subnet mask, in bits.
  • description (Optional) - The description set for the subnet.
  • section_id (Optional) - The ID of the section for this address in the PHPIPAM database.
  • linked_subnet_id (Optional) - The ID of the linked subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • vlan_id (Optional) - The ID of the VLAN for this subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • vrf_id (Optional) - The ID of the VRF for this subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • master_subnet_id (Optional) - The ID of the parent subnet for this subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • nameserver_id (Optional) - The ID of the nameserver used to assign PTR records for this subnet.
  • show_name (Optional) - true if the subnet name is are shown in the section, instead of the network address.
  • create_ptr_records (Optional) - true if PTR records are created for addresses in this subnet.
  • display_hostnames (Optional) - true if hostnames are displayed instead of IP addresses in the address listing for this subnet.
  • allow_ip_requests (Optional) - true if the subnet allows IP requests in PHPIPAM.
  • scan_agent_id (Optional) - The ID of the ping scan agent that is used for this subnet.
  • include_in_ping (Optional) - true if this subnet is included in ping probes.
  • host_discovery_enabled (Optional) - true if this subnet is included in new host scans.
  • is_folder (Optional) - true if this subnet is a folder and not an actual subnet.
  • is_full (Optional) - true if the subnet has been marked as full.
  • state_tag_id (Optional) - The ID of the state tag for this subnet. This may become an actual string representation of this at a later time (example: Used).
  • utilization_threshold (Optional) - The subnet's utilization threshold.
  • location_id (Optional) - The ID of the location for this subnet.
  • custom_fields (Optional) - A key/value map of custom fields for this subnet.

⚠️ NOTE on custom fields: PHPIPAM installations with custom fields must have all fields set to optional when using this plugin. For more info see here. Further to this, either ensure that your fields also do not have default values, or ensure the default is set in your TF configuration. Diff loops may happen otherwise!

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • subnet_id - The ID of the subnet in the PHPIPAM database.
  • permissions - A JSON representation of the permissions associated with this subnet.
  • edit_date - The date this resource was last updated.

The phpipam_vlan Resource

The phpipam_vlan resource can be used to manage a VLAN on PHPIPAM. Use it to set up a VLAN through Terraform, or update details such as its name or description. If you are just looking for information on a VLAN, use the phpipam_vlan data source instead.


resource "phpipam_vlan" "vlan" {
  name        = "tf-test"
  number      = 1000
  description = "Managed by Terraform"

  custom_fields = {
    CustomTestVLANs = "terraform-test"
Argument Reference

The resource takes the following parameters:

  • name (Required) - The name/label of the VLAN.
  • number (Required) - The number of the VLAN (the actual VLAN ID on your switch).
  • l2_domain_id (Optional) - The layer 2 domain ID in the PHPIPAM database.
  • description (Optional) - The description supplied to the VLAN.
  • edit_date (Optional) - The date this resource was last updated.
  • custom_fields (Optional) - A key/value map of custom fields for this VLAN.

⚠️ NOTE on custom fields: PHPIPAM installations with custom fields must have all fields set to optional when using this plugin. For more info see here. Further to this, either ensure that your fields also do not have default values, or ensure the default is set in your TF configuration. Diff loops may happen otherwise!

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • vlan_id - The ID of the VLAN to look up. NOTE: this is the database ID, not the VLAN number - if you need this, use the number parameter.
  • edit_date - The date this resource was last updated.


Copyright 2017 PayByPhone Technologies, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Terraform provider plugin for PHPIPAM (







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