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WebOS LG Smart TV

SukyungLee (Sue) edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 1 revision

WebOS LG Smart TV

Module Name Method Name WebOS LG Smart TV MEMO
Emulator (ver 3.0.0) Device ('14 - '16)
IME O O Cancel event is not supported on webos platform.
It has restrictions not to occur blur event when closing IME using return key.
toast.application exit O O
launchApp O O
getRequestedAppInfo O O
toast.inputdevice getSupportedKeys O O
getKey O O
registerKey O O This API is not supported on webos platform. It might not work as real operation. It is supported to avoid error on webos platform.
unregisterKey O O
toast.tvaudiocontrol setMute O O
isMute O O
setVolume O O
setVolumeUp O O
setVolumeDown O O
getVolume O O
setVolumeChangeListener O O
unsetVulumeChangeListener O O
toast.tvwindow setSource X X
getSource X X
show X X
hide X X
getRect X X
toast.tvchannel tune X X
tuneUp X X
tuneDown X X
findChannel X X
getChannelList X X
getCurrentChannel X X
getProgramList X X
getCurrentProgram X X
addChannelChangeListener X X
removeChannelChangeListener X X
toast.Media getInstance O O
open O O
play O O
stop O O
pause O O
seekTo O O
getDuration O O
getCurrentPosition O O
setListener O O
unsetListener O O
getContainerElement O O
syncVideoRect O O
resetPlugin O O
attachPlugin O O
toast.MediaPlugin setOption X O MPEG-DASH is not recommended on webOS.
Smooth Streaming is not recommended on webOS.
Please refer to the following URL for detail.
[Orsay / Tizen](
unsetOption X O
toast.drminfo getEsn X X
getSdi X X
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