An Extension for Puppeteer to retrieve audio and/or video streams of a page
If you’re looking to use this repo to retrieve video or audio streams from meeting platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, consider checking out, an API for meeting recording.
npm i puppeteer-stream
# or "yarn add puppeteer-stream"
For ES5
const { launch, getStream } = require("puppeteer-stream");
or for ES6
import { launch, getStream } from "puppeteer-stream";
The method launch(options)
takes additional to the original puppeteer launch function, the following options
allowIncognito?: boolean, // to be able to use incognito mode
closeDelay?: number, // to fix rarely occurring TargetCloseError, set and increase number (in ms)
extensionPath?: string, // used internally to load the puppeteer-stream browser extension (needed for electron
and returns a Promise<
Works also in headless mode (no gui needed), just set headless: "new"
in the launch options
The method getStream(options)
takes the following options
audio: boolean, // whether or not to enable audio
video: boolean, // whether or not to enable video
mimeType?: string, // optional mime type of the stream, e.g. "audio/webm" or "video/webm"
audioBitsPerSecond?: number, // The chosen bitrate for the audio component of the media.
videoBitsPerSecond?: number, // The chosen bitrate for the video component of the media.
bitsPerSecond?: number, // The chosen bitrate for the audio and video components of the media. This can be specified instead of the above two properties. If this is specified along with one or the other of the above properties, this will be used for the one that isn't specified.
frameSize?: number, // The number of milliseconds to record into each packet.
videoConstraints: {
mandatory?: MediaTrackConstraints,
optional?: MediaTrackConstraints
audioConstraints: {
mandatory?: MediaTrackConstraints,
optional?: MediaTrackConstraints
and returns a Promise<
For a detailed documentation of the mimeType
, audioBitsPerSecond
, videoBitsPerSecond
, bitsPerSecond
, frameSize
properties have a look at the HTML5 MediaRecorder Options and for the videoConstraints
and audioConstraints
properties have a look at the MediaTrackConstraints.
const { launch, getStream, wss } = require("puppeteer-stream");
const fs = require("fs");
const file = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + "/test.webm");
async function test() {
const browser = await launch({
executablePath: "C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe",
// or on linux: "google-chrome-stable"
// or on mac: "/Applications/Google Chrome"
defaultViewport: {
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto("");
const stream = await getStream(page, { audio: true, video: true });
setTimeout(async () => {
await stream.destroy();
await browser.close();
(await wss).close();
}, 1000 * 10);