A sample full-stack application with a backend ASP.NET Core Web API project and a frontend Blazor Web Assembly project.
- ASP.NET Core Web API -v8
- Entity Framework Core -v8
- DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
- TDD (Test-Driven Development)
- BDD (Behavior-driven Development)
- Clean Architecture
- Clean Code
- Repository Design Pattern
- CQRS Design Pattern
- Mediator Design pattern
- PostgreSQL Database
- Blazor WebAssembly -v8
- Bootstrap -v5
- Docker
- xUnit for unit, integration and acceptance testing
- Testcontainers for integration and acceptance testing
- SpecFlow for acceptance testing
- NSubstitute for mocking
- Bogus for fake data generating
- MediatR for implementing mediator pattern
- FluentValidation for server-side validation
- Mapster for object mapping
- Blazor.Bootstrap for implementing user-interface
This repository is intended for demonstrating best practices in software development. In real-world applications, these practices should be selected based on the specific requirements of each project.
Run the following command in project directory:
docker-compose up -d
Docker compose in this application includes 4 services:
Web API application will be listening at
Blazor webAssembly application will be listening at
Postgres database will be listening at
PgAdmin4 web interface will be listening at
Open StudentManagement.Server.sln
file in visual studio, then in package manager console tab, run:
This command will generate the database schema in postgres container.
Make sure Docker engine is running, before running integration and acceptance tests.