Frontend of Copernicus Project at IFGI Muenster
The WebApp is a managing tool for flood relief workers which was implemented as part of the Copernicus StudyProject at the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster. The purpose of the masters study project was getting familiar with the concepts as well as the technologies which are important for Copernicus.
The main challenges of the project were:
- Processing large amounts of data using Sentinel 1 images and in-situ data from PEGELONLINE and OpenWeatherMap
- Using of cloud services, in this case Amazon Web Service
- Developing a web application, which was created in particular as a big screen application for flood relief managers using Esri-Leaflet
The project was carried out for the region North Rhine-Westphalia, however it creates a framework which can be easily applied to other regions as well.
The WebApp allows the user to explore:
- most recent processed Sentinel 1 imagery and past Sentinel 1 displaying extracted waterbodies
- current and past water level of gauging stations
- current and past data from weather stations
- the current precipitation layer
The user can interact with the WebApp by:
- placing markers for workers and adding information about them for keeping track of where workers have been sent to
- placing markers for inaccessible roads in order to plan the fastest route to a working place