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My crypto library contents


  • Bacon cipher

Block Ciphers

  • AES
    • CBC Mode

      • Padding Oracle attack implementation
    • GCM

      • Ghash implementation in python
      • - GHASH without knowledge of key
    • linear_analysis

      • Example of Linear sbox usage in aes
    • other_implementations

      • open source implementations of aes
    • Ordinary AES implementation in python

    • Sbox gen implementation in c

  • DES
    • python implementation.
    • weak and semi-weak keys for des
    • cool property with bitwise flip


  • Collision Algos
    • Baby-Step-Giant-Step implementation in python
    • Birthday Paradox based collision algorithm implementation in python
  • Pollard Rho
    • Pollard Rho algorithm implementation in python(Including Field extensions)
  • Auxialry Inputs
    • attack todo
  • prime_power
    • Discrete log in the rings $\frac{ZZ}{p^sZZ}$ up to the power $p^{s-1}, s \ge 2$
  • Pohlig-Hellman
    • based

Elliptic Curve Cryptography

  • curves

    • - python implementation of an arbitrary elliptic curve
      • including constant time multiplication
    • - python implmentation of Edwards curves
    • - python implementation of Montgomery curves
    • - translation between curves
    • kind.sage - script that kinda automates curve analysis
    • - Writeup on Elliptic Curve kinds
    • - just elliptic curves order properties
    • multiplication - implmentations of several techniques to boost multiplication
  • order

    • - computation of elliptic curve order over finite field using bsgs

    • - computation of division_polynomials and rational functions for elliptic curves

      • including computation with unknown y
    • - Schoof's algorithm to compute elliptic curve order over finite field

  • Supersingular Curves

    • Supersingularity tests
    • Fast multiplication using supersingular curves
  • Singular Curves

    • DLP on singular curves
  • Anomalous Curves

    • Smart attack
    • Smart attack but mod p^2
    • Augmented addition attack
    • Fast multiplication using anomalous curves
  • MOV

    • - weil pairing python implementation
    • MOV algorithm implementation in python using weil pairing
  • ecdsa

    • - Elliptic Curve DSA implementation in python
      • Linear Congruece attack
      • Polynomial Congruence attack
      • Repeated Nonce attack
      • Lattice Based attack(lower bits) ecdh:
    • tripartite Diffie-Hellman
  • encryption schemes

    • Massey-Omura cs
    • Elgamal cs
    • ECIES
    • KMOV - RSA like encryption
    • ID based encryption

HASH Functions

  • sha1

    • sha1 implentation in python(stolen)
    • - le attack on sha1
  • murmurhash3


    • murmurhash3_128_x64.cpp

    • - zero finder/collision finder

  • md5

    • + tests
    • length_extension attack
    • collision - fast collision for md5(single block + two blocks)
      • + tests - diffrential analysis
      • verify_paper - tried to verify not very trustworthy facts from paper
      • - attack implementation
  • blake

Lattice Cryptography

  • LLL

    • python
      • LLL algorithm implementation in python
      • Improved spped LLL algorithm
      • LLL sage? why
    • cpp
      • lattice_attacks.cpp
        • LLL
        • HadamardRatio
        • Gram-Schmidt
        • LLL_check reduced basis
        • Babai Closest Plain
        • Babai Closest Vertex
        • Gaussian Expected Length
  • cryptosystems

    • Congruential Public Key CS
    • GGH Public Key CS
      • ggh implementation in python
      • gghdsa implementation in python
    • KnapSack like CS
      • subset sum
      • superincreasing knapsack
    • NTRU Public Key CS
      • NTRU implemntation in python
      • NTRUMLS implementation in python
  • Integer Relation

    • Algebraic Roots recovery using LLL(square and cubic)
    • Coppersmith attacks
    • Finding an Algebraic relation using sage
  • LWE

    • not so much yet

Linear Cryptoanalisys

  • TODO

Permutation Ciphers

  • Rail Fence cipher
  • Symmetric_Group
    • Sqrt in S(n)

Post Quantum

  • UoV - signature scheme


  • xorshift128p - truncated xorshift128p analysis

    • TODO
  • xoshiro128++, 256++


  • Full/Partial(brutable) knowledge of d

    • python + cpp implementation
  • PKCS1 padding oracle attack

    • python + cpp implementation
  • Notes on RSA key creation using python/openssl - todo

  • wiener - Wiener attack on RSA with small private exponent

  • Known bits of p

Simple substitution

  • Shift cipher + analysis
  • Vigenere Cipher + analysis
  • frequencies
    • bigrams
    • singles

Stream Ciphers

  • RC4

    • oracle implemenation in python
    • RC4 cipher implementation in python
    • 1st Round Attack on RC4
      • 1st round attack on rc4 IV||main_key
      • 1st round attack on rc4 main_key||IV
      • Chosen IV attack on rc4
    • 2nd Round Attack on RC4
      • 2nd round attack on rc4 IV||main_key
    • FMS attack on RC4
    • Special IV generation
  • LFSR

    • lfsr decomposition
  • ChaCha20

    • ChaCha20 implementation in python


  • KZG
    • KZG implementation from RealWorldCTF2023
  • coolstuff
    • - prove a * b = c(mod q)
    • - prove bunch of facts about dl)
    • - prove that a is less than 2^n
    • plonk todo
  • sumcheck
    • sumcheck protocol implementation TODO improve....
  • protostar/
  • zcash_bug
    • zcash_protocol implementation
    • bug implmentation


  • Algebraic Things

    • - Finding roots of a polynomial modulo prime power
    • - Ring structure of polynomial quotient ring
      • Order of a multplicative subgroup
      • All the possible orders in this group
      • Ring factorization
      • TODO: find the number of elements in the group s.t. their order is K | minimal_power
    • matrices
      • Get jordan General Decomposition of a matrix over a finite field
      • Find the matrix order with help of previous thing
      • lfsr analysis with help of matrix order
    • Polynomials
      • Groebner basis implentation
      • symmetric_polynomials
        • - decompose any multivariate symmetric polynomial using symmetric_polynomial basis.
    • - Finding annihilators of boolean function
  • Factorization methods

    • 4p1factorization

      • Cheng's method - TODO
      • Simplified Cheng's method
    • EC(Lenstra) factorization

    • Fermatt Factorization

    • Naive Factorization

    • Pollard P Factorization

    • Pollard Rho Factorization

    • Stackoverflow

  • Inverse modulo

  • Primeness check + gen

    • is_prime
    • Atkin
    • Simple Prime in range finder
    • Euler's pattern to find primes
    • Brute
    • Sundaram
  • Carmichael Numbers

    • Generating Carmichael Numbers
    • Testing for Charmichaelness
  • Strong PseudoPrimes

    • Generating Strong Pseudoprimes using Arnault algorithm!!!
  • cvc5

    • cvc5 ff use case
    • ecc solver(lol)
  • Other - some thoughts, theories and algorithms of my own implementation

    • Combinatorics
    • Math
  • encoders

    • base64
    • circom witness
    • circom r1cs
    • openssh private key
  • - Binary Search

  • - Smooth Primes Creation

  • Interval Union -

  • Legendre symbol -

  • - Base n function

  • use of gmp example

  • use of z3 example

  • use of cado-nfs example

  • use of pari library

  • - cert generation in python