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CC:BE Blocks List

Here is a list of all the blocks in CC:BE. This list is not exhaustive, and will be updated as new blocks are added to the game.

How to Read the List

  • Category: The category of the block.

    • Logic: Blocks that deal with logical operations.
    • Loops: Blocks that deal with looping operations.
    • Math: Blocks that deal with mathematical operations.
    • Text: Blocks that deal with text operations.
    • Lists: Blocks that deal with list operations.
    • Tables: Blocks that deal with table operations.
  • Name: The name of the block.

  • Type: The type of the block (Statement, Value, or Hat).

    • Statement: A block that performs an action.
    • Value: A block that returns a value.
    • Hat: A block that starts a script.
  • Description: A brief description of what the block does.

Input Types

  • When you see <type>, it represents a specific type of input.

    • <all>: Any type of input.
    • <bool>: A boolean value.
    • <float>: A floating-point number.
    • <int>: An integer number.
    • <string>: A string of text.
    • <list>: A list of items.
    • <table>: A table of key-value pairs.
    • <variable>: A variable.
  • When you see {}, it represents a user input. For example, {123} means the user can input any number, but it can't be changed in the block.

  • When you see [], it represents a block that can contain other blocks.

  • When you see () with a list of options separated by ¦, it means you can choose one of the options.

Base Blocks


Name Type Description
if <bool> do [] Statement Executes a block of code if a condition is true.
if <bool> do [] else [] Statement Executes a block of code if a condition is true; otherwise, executes another block of code.
if <bool> do [] elseif <bool> do [] Statement Executes a block of code if a condition is true; otherwise, executes another block of code if a different condition is true.
<all> ( = ¦ ≠ ¦ < ¦ ≤ ¦ > ¦ ≥ ) <all> Value Compares two values and returns a boolean result.
<bool> ( and ¦ or ) <bool> Value Combines two boolean values using logical operators.
not <bool> Value Returns the opposite of a boolean value.
(true ¦ false) Value Returns a boolean value.
null Value Represents a null value.
test <bool> if true <all> if false <all> Value Tests a condition and returns a value based on the result.


Name Type Description
repeat <int> times [] Statement Repeats a block of code a specified number of times.
repeat ( while ¦ until ) <bool> do [] Statement Repeats a block of code while or until a condition is true.
count with <variable> from <int> to <int> by <float> do [] Statement Repeats a block of code a specified number of times, with an index variable.
for each item <variable> in list <list> do [] Statement Iterates over a list and executes a block of code for each item.
( break out ¦ continue with the next iteration ) Statement Exits the loop or skips to the next iteration.


Name Type Description
{123} Value Represents a number.
<float> ( + ¦ - ¦ * ¦ / ¦ ^ ) <float> Value Performs arithmetic operations on two values.
( square root ¦ absolute ¦ - ¦ Ln ¦ Log10 ¦ e^ ¦ 10^ ) <float> Value Applies a mathematical function to a value.
( π ¦ e ¦ φ ¦ sqrt(2) ¦ sqrt(1/2) ¦ ∞ ) Value Represents mathematical constants.
<float> is ( even ¦ odd ¦ prime ¦ whole ¦ positive ¦ negative ¦ divisible by <float> ) Value Checks if a number has a specific property.
( round ¦ round up ¦ round down ) <float> Value Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
( sum ¦ min ¦ max ¦ average ¦ median ¦ modes ¦ standard deviation ¦ random item ) of list <list> Value Calculates a statistical value of a list of numbers.
remainder of <float> ÷ <float> Value Returns the remainder of a division operation.
constrain <float> low <float> high <float> Value Constrains a value within a specified range.
random integer from <int> to <int> Value Generates a random integer within a specified range.
random fraction Value Generates a random fraction between 0 and 1.
atan2 of X: <float> Y: <float> Value Returns arctangent of Y/X in degrees from -180 to 180.


Name Type Description
"{string}" Value Represents a string.
¶ {string} Value Represents a newline character.
create text with <strings> Value Concatenates text values.
to {item} append text <string> Statement Appends text to a variable.
length of <string> Value Returns the length of a string.
<string> is empty Value Checks if a string is empty.
in text <string> find ( first ¦ last ) occurrence of text <string> Value Finds the position of a substring in a string.
in text <string> get ( letter # <int> ¦ letter # from end <int> ¦ first letter ¦ last letter ¦ random letter ) Value Retrieves a character from a string.
in text <string> get substring from ( letter # <int> ¦ letter # from end <int> ¦ first letter ) to ( letter # <int> ¦ letter # from end <int> ¦ last letter ) Value Retrieves a substring from a string.
to ( UPPER CASE ¦ lower case ¦ Title Case ) <string> Value Converts text to a specified case.
trim spaces from ( both sides ¦ left side ¦ right side ) of <string> Value Removes spaces from a string.
count <string> in <string> Value Counts the occurrences of a substring in a string.
replace <string> with <string> in <string> Value Replaces a substring in a string with another substring.
reverse <string> Value Reverses the characters in a string.


Name Type Description
create list with <alls> Value Creates a list with specified items.
create list with item <all> repeated <int> times Value Creates a list with a repeated item.
length of <list> Value Returns the number of items in a list.
<list> is empty Value Checks if a list is empty.
in list <list> find ( first ¦ last ) occurrence of <all> Value Finds the position of an item in a list.
in list <list> ( get ¦ get and remove ¦ remove ) ( # <int> ¦ # from end <int> ¦ first ¦ last ¦ random ) Value & Statement Retrieves or manipulates an item in a list.
in list <list> ( set ¦ insert at ) ( # <int> ¦ # from end <int> ¦ first ¦ last ¦ random ) as <all> Statement Sets or inserts an item in a list.
in list <list> get sub-list from ( # <int> ¦ # from end <int> ¦ first ) to ( # <int> ¦ # from end <int> ¦ last ) Value Retrieves a sub-list from a list.
make ( list from text <string> ¦ text from list <list> ) with delimiter <string> Value Converts a list to text or text to a list using a delimiter.
sort ( numeric ¦ alphabetic ¦ alphabetic, ignore case ) ( ascending ¦ descending ) <list> Value Sorts a list in a specified order.
reverse <list> Value Reverses the order of items in a list.


Name Type Description
Create table with keys <string> and values <all> Value Creates a table with specified keys and values.
Get key <string> from table <table> Value Retrieves a value from a table using a key.
Set key <string> in table <table> to <all> Statement Sets a value in a table using a key.
Remove key <string> from table <table> Statement Removes a key-value pair from a table.
Get keys from table <table> Value Retrieves all keys from a table.
Get values from table <table> Value Retrieves all values from a table.
Get size of table <table> Value Retrieves the number of key-value pairs in a table.

ComputerCraft Blocks List

CC: Base

Name Type Description
Wait <float> seconds Statement Pauses the script for a specified amount of time.
Args Value Returns the arguments passed to the script.
Get arg # <int> Value Returns a specific argument passed to the script.
Amount of arguments Value Returns the number of arguments passed to the script.
Print <string, number, boolean> Statement Prints a value to the console.
Write <string, number, boolean> Statement Writes a value to the console without a newline.
Read Value Reads a line of input from the console.
Read and replace with <string> Value Reads a line of input from the console and replaces it with a specified value.
To string: <all> Value Converts a value to a string.
To number: <string> Value Converts a string to a number.
Side ( front ¦ back ¦ left ¦ right ¦ top ¦ bottom ) Value Represents a side of the computer.

CC: Turtle

Name Type Description
Move ( forward ¦ back ¦ up ¦ down ¦ left ¦ right ) <int> times Statement Moves the turtle in a specified direction a specified number of times.
Select slot # <int> Statement Selects a slot in the turtle's inventory.
Attack ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) Statement Attacks entities in a specified direction.
Build ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) Statement Places a block in a specified direction.
Dig ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) Statement Digs a block in a specified direction.
Is there a block ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) Value Checks if there is a block in a specified direction.
Compare ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) to inventory Value Compares a block in a specified direction to the turtle's inventory.
Drop ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) <int> items Statement Drops items from the turtle's inventory in a specified direction.
Compare selected slot to slot #<int> Value Compares the selected slot to a specified item.
Attempt to craft <int> items Statement Attempts to craft a specified number of items.
Equip selected slot to ( left ¦ right ) Statement Equips the selected slot to the left or right side of the turtle.
Get fuel level Value Returns the current fuel level of the turtle.
Get fuel limit Value Returns the maximum fuel level of the turtle.
Get ( some ¦ all ) details of item in slot #<int> Value Returns details of the item in the selected slot.
Get selected slot Value Returns the selected slot number.
Inspect the block ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) Value Inspects a block in a specified direction.
Refuel, consume at most <int> items Statement Refuels the turtle using items from its inventory.
Is selected slot combustible Value Checks if the item in the selected slot is combustible.
Suck item from ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) Statement Sucks an item from a block in a specified direction.
Transfer item to ( forward ¦ up ¦ down ) Statement Move an item from the selected slot to another one.

CC: Filesystem

CC: Disk


CC: Peripherals

CC: Redstone

CC: Rednet

Variables and Functions