This project contains 20 programs with full documentation for the Class XII ISC project. All programs were made with OpenJDK JDK 18.0.1 in IntelliJ IDEA in April 2022. This project will help you get an idea about the difficulty level of the Class XII ISC computer exam and will also guide you on how to write a program with proper documentation. Note: Some features like enhanced for, enhanced switch, and text blocks have not been used as they fall out of the syllabus for class XII ISC.
- AlphabeticalSentence
- ArmstrongNumber
- AscendingOrder
- DateRepresentation
- FibonacciSeries
- Initials
- LinearSearch
- Matrix
- Mobius
- NonBoundary
- PalindromeNumber
- PalindromeString
- PrimePalindrome
- Rectangle
- Spiral
- Transpose
- TriangularNumber
- UniqueNumber
- WordCounter
The programs can be copied and are ready to run in any suitable JAVA IDE with OpenJDK JDK 18.0.1.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Sayan Biswas
I acknowledge the help of articles from the following websites: