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Setting Up An OpMode

These are the steps the Robot will go through:

[*] --> OpMode
OpMode --> init()
init() --> loop()
loop() --> STOP 

The code part of it looks like this:

public class Main extends OpMode {
    public void init(){}
    public void loop(){}
  • @TeleOp: Indicates that we are writing a program (OpMode) that we can later select on our driver hub.
  • We then extend it to OpMode to inherit its properties and make an OpMode program of our own.
  • Before the methods, you will have to create the motor and servo objects.
  • Remember to place @Override above the void methods as we are coding a new program.
  • In the init() method will be the initialization of objects that will be needed to run during the loop() stage.
    • Example: Using hardwareMap to connect the DcMotor object to the actual motor.
  • In the loop() method will be the code that will have to continuously run to move the robot.
    • Example: DcMotor values that will change based on the joystick movement.

NOTE : You don't have to manually import each class from the FTC packages/libraries, as it will add itself when you write the code

Motor Methods

init() Stage:

public void init(){
    motor1 = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, motor1);
  • hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, deviceName): This will connect the object to the actual motor on the robot.
    • This is done through the control hub that connects everything together.
  • DcMotorObject.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.mode): Sets the run mode for the motor.
    • Example: DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION.

    NOTE : The deviceName has to be configured in the driver hub.

loop() Stage

public void loop(){
  • DcMotorObject.setPower(double value(s)): sets the speed at which the motor will spin at.

    NOTE : Motor power values range from -1 to 1.

Servo Methods

init() Stage

public void init(){
    servo1 = hardwareMap.get(Servo.class, servo1);
  • hardwareMap.get(Servo.class, deviceName): This will connect the object to the actual motor on the robot.
    • This is done through the control hub that connects everything together.

loop() Stage

public void loop(){
  • ServoObject.setPosition(double value(s)): Sets the position of the servo/claw.

    NOTE : Servo position ranges from the values between 0 to 1.


Teaching how to use methods for each hardware.







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