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Alien RPG Tools

What's this?

Generators and tools for the Alien RPG, by Free League Publishing. All content belongs to them.

Local Development

# Install deps first
npm i

# Run with live reload
npm run dev

# Run test suite
npm test

# Build prod assets
npm run deploy


Issues With Source Material

  • Star system generator creates too many planets per system.
  • No atmosphere = Desert World (Atmosphere table doesn't have a "no atmo" option, only "special"?).
  • Planetary names (what does LV/MT/RF stand for?).
  • No given chance for "surveyed", non-colonised moons and planets (p331).
  • Gas giant planet size should be huge? The moons have -4, but the gas giant iself should be large?
  • Military missions - base reward applies?
  • Extra rewards - "Monetary amount" not explained. I assumed it was adding the base reward amount again.



  • Run through star system generator materials, checking with data and code for correctness (testing)


  • Add an "About" page with details on the app and the author, with some links - again easier to discover for Users.
  • Add roadmap as a page in the app itself, so users can easily check and see what's planned / done etc (would be a "page")
  • Write unit tests for the Star Systems generator module (more important than the utils module, as bugs are less visible)
  • Add routing for multiple page support (, or maybe just page.js, but I want code splitting too!)
  • Maintain a log of calculations, to display to UI later
  • Full unit-test coverage for all modules
  • Cypress test suite for UAT
  • CI/CD pipeline to automate deployments? Travis? Netlify? Github actions? (for now it's npm run deploy from local)



  • Refactor links again, use own "handleNav" function instead of Page.js's inbuilt click handling.


  • Refactor App into "pages", add Page.js for routing.



  • Fix planetary names logic, see p331. Add "surveyed" chance, 3 digit designation.
  • Change version to (sed replaced) timestamp, move to footer
  • npm deploy bumps the version date
  • Uninhabited moons: If planet is unexplored/uninhabited, roll D3–1 for moons. (Refactor orbitals to be habitation/colony independent, give them an optional owner, update printing logic)
  • Asteroid belts aren't surveyable (so they'll never get a name, etc)
  • A gas giant has D6+4 significant moons which can be created just like Terrestrial Planets (define new type, hang off gas giant, refactor habitation code, printing code, etc)
  • Refactor the "options" UI into its own (nested) component
  • Enhance options with a hide/show UI
  • Refactor options & results to handle multiple generators (star systems, jobs, encounters)
  • Add Cargo Run Job generator (as another module+button)
  • Refactor buttons UI to be more compact (tabs?)


  • sessionStorage to remember options & results (safer than localStorage, which can break the app on code updates if you're not careful)
  • Allow user to set/override the location of the system in advance (e.g. Frontier, UPP, etc) (also update for cli.js)


  • Colony factions
  • Colony allegiance
  • Fix ice planet data (d66 -> 2d6, oops)
  • Scenario hook per inhabited planet
  • Add app data in prep for web interface
  • Full text-output star system generation, with details for the main world (i.e. the MVP)
  • Html interface with... Svelte?
  • CSS via
  • Host on
  • Add "show uninhabited details" checkbox
  • Setup Unit test framework for JS modules via
  • Bug - certain runs are hanging - infloop? Debug.


  • Contract Fria Ligan for permission to use content for the generator
  • 10+ on 2D6 = two competing colonies on the same world.
  • Ice planets - force temp to frozen (p340)
  • Add temperature min/max fields, generate average per planet
  • Sort planetary bodies by average temperature (p340)
  • Generate uninhabited planetary details for the rest of the system objects


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