A Node.js module for creating Adobe XFDF files.
npm install xfdf
Always good to run tests
npm test
var xfdf = require('xfdf')
var builder = new xfdf({ pdf: 'Document.pdf' });
builder.addField('firstname', 'John');
calling generate() will create:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xfdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/" xml:space="preserve">
<f href="Document.pdf"/>
<field name="firstname">
When constructing an xfdf builder there are several options that can be passed.
new xfdf({
pdf: 'path/to/document.pdf',
translateBools: true,
format: {
pretty: false,
indent: ' ',
newline: '\r\n'
This is the location of the template pdf to be refrenced in the xfdf document.
This will translate booleans in a javascript literal to 'Yes' or 'Off', which are used to flag checkboxes or radios in Adobe forms
default: true
This module uses xmlbuilder to construct the xfdf xml document. xmlbuilder has several formating options which can be specified when creating the xml document. You can see those options here
pretty: true
indent: ' '
newline: '\n'
Will add a field to xfdf document. Argument should be a hash with two keys: name, value;
builder.addField('FieldName', 'FieldValue');
You can use this method to pass an entire javascript literal to be consumed by the XFDF builder. Format of object should be:
fields: {
age: 32,
tall: true,
name: 'John Doe'
Used to slurp a correctly formatted json file.
Usage: see test/resources/test.json for a properly formatted file.
builder.fromJSONFile('/path/to/data.json', function(err) {
if ( !err )