Download files ONCE from a remote SFTP server, even if you move or delete the files from the download location
After downloading, the files are moved based on TheMovieDB genres (for movies) and series titles (for tv series).
This is the .NET 5 version of SimpleSFTPSync, which now uses SQLite instead of MS SQL Compact.
As always, input is appreciated!
Edit the included config.json and then just run the binary
In Windows Just execute SimpleSFTPSyncCore.exe without any parameters
In Linux: chmod +x SimpleSFTPSyncCore ./SimpleSFTPSyncCore
It also has command line options to move or copy existing .mkv files (with genre and smart renaming):
Usage: dotnet SimpleSFTPSync.dll {options}
No options - Begin main sync
move {path name} - Moves *.mkvs and *.mp4s in the given path
copy {path name} - Copies *.mkvs and *.mp4s in the given path
movie {path name} - Test renaming for a given movie path
sql {sql command text} - Execute the command text against SimpleSFTPSync's sqlite database
tv {path name} - Test renaming for a given tv path
Sample execute.bat file to use with Deluge execute plugin (assuming you run from C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\Downloads\SimpleSFTPSyncCore and you download to a folder with "Movies" in the path):
@echo off
set torrentid=%1
set torrentname=%~2
set torrentpath=%~3
cd C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\Downloads\SimpleSFTPSyncCore
@echo Testing if path contains "Movies"
if x%torrentpath:Movies=%==x%torrentpath% GOTO end
@echo Looks like a movie, executing...
dotnet C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\Downloads\SimpleSFTPSyncCore\SimpleSFTPSyncCore.dll copy "%torrentpath%\%torrentname%"
timeout 10 > nul