A simple include that lets you define map icon destroy distance and/or time without changing anything in your code
Place SimpleIcons.inc in your pawno >> includes folder.
Ysi/y_iterate / y_foreach include required. You can get it here : https://github.com/YSI-Data/y_iterate
Add this next to your includes:
#include <SimpleIcons>
SetIconDistance(playerid,iconid,float:distance); // specify the distance at which the icon should be removed when player gets near it
SetIconTimeout(playerid,iconid,seconds); // specify the time (in seconds) after which the icon should be removed
CMD:spawnpoint(playerid,params[]){ // a simple command to mark the spawn point on players map
SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 45, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0, 0xD44939FF, MAPICON_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT);
SetIconDistance(playerid,45,15.0); // when player gets less than 15.0 m from the 0.0,0.0,0.0 coordinates, the icon will be automatically removed
SetIconTimeout(playerid,45,60); // After 60 seconds the icon will be automatically removed
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Spawn point successfully marked");