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Security Onion would like to thank the following open-source projects for their contribution to our community!

"Argus is a data network transaction auditing tool that categorizes network packets that match the libpcap filter expression into a protocol-specific network flow transaction model. Argus reports on the transactions that it discovers, as periodic network flow data, that is suitable for historical and near real-time processing for forensics, trending and alarm/alerting." As of Security Onion, this tool is no longer included in Security Onion.

"Barnyard2 is an open source interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files. Its primary use is allowing Snort to write to disk in an efficient manner and leaving the task of parsing binary data into various formats to a separate process that will not cause Snort to miss network traffic."

"Bro is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know."

"Chaosreader is a freeware tool to fetch application data from snoop or tcpdump logs. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, telnet, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, IRC, X11, and VNC."

"Daemonlogger™ is a packet logger and soft tap developed by Martin Roesch."

"Driftnet is a program which listens to network traffic and picks out images from TCP streams it observes."

"dsniff is a collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing. dsniff, filesnarf, mailsnarf, msgsnarf, urlsnarf, and webspy passively monitor a network for interesting data (passwords, e-mail, files, etc.). arpspoof, dnsspoof, and macof facilitate the interception of network traffic normally unavailable to an attacker (e.g, due to layer-2 switching). sshmitm and webmitm implement active monkey-in-the-middle attacks against redirected SSH and HTTPS sessions by exploiting weak bindings in ad-hoc PKI."

Elastic Stack
The Elastic Stack consists of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana and replaces ELSA.

"ELSA is a centralized syslog framework built on Syslog-NG, MySQL, and Sphinx full-text search. It provides a fully asynchronous web-based query interface that normalizes logs and makes searching billions of them for arbitrary strings as easy as searching the web. It also includes tools for assigning permissions for viewing the logs as well as email based alerts, scheduled queries, and graphing." As of Security Onion, this tool is no longer included in Security Onion.

"hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping(8) unix command, but hping isn't only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features."


"Advanced packet sniffer and connection intrusion. Hunt is a program for intruding into a connection, watching it and resetting it. Note that hunt is operating on Ethernet and is best used for connections which can be watched through it. However, it is possible to do something even for hosts on another segments or hosts that are on switched ports."

"LaBrea takes over unused IP addresses, and creates virtual servers that are attractive to worms, hackers, and other denizens of the Internet. The program answers connection attempts in such a way that the machine at the other end gets "stuck", sometimes for a very long time."

"Mergecap is a program that combines multiple saved capture files into a single output file specified by the -w argument. Mergecap knows how to read libpcap capture files, including those of tcpdump, Wireshark, and other tools that write captures in that format."


"The network packet altering stream editor NetSED is small and handful utility designed to alter the contents of packets forwarded thru your network in real time. It is really useful for network hackers in following applications: black-box protocol auditing - whenever there are two or more proprietary boxes communicating over undocumented protocol (by enforcing changes in ongoing transmissions, you will be able to test if tested application is secure), fuzz-alike experiments, integrity tests - whenever you want to test stability of the application and see how it ensures data integrity, other common applications - fooling other people, content filtering, etc etc - choose whatever you want to. It perfectly fits ngrep, netcat and tcpdump tools suite."

"netsniff-ng is a free, performant Linux networking toolkit."

"NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows. NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer/packet capturing tool in order to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open ports etc. without putting any traffic on the network. NetworkMiner can also parse PCAP files for off-line analysis and to regenerate/reassemble transmitted files and certificates from PCAP files."

"ngrep strives to provide most of GNU grep's common features, applying them to the network layer. ngrep is a pcap-aware tool that will allow you to specify extended regular or hexadecimal expressions to match against data payloads of packets. It currently recognizes IPv4/6, TCP, UDP, ICMPv4/6, IGMP and Raw across Ethernet, PPP, SLIP, FDDI, Token Ring and null interfaces, and understands BPF filter logic in the same fashion as more common packet sniffing tools, such as tcpdump and snoop."

"OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System. It performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response."

"P0f is a tool that utilizes an array of sophisticated, purely passive traffic fingerprinting mechanisms to identify the players behind any incidental TCP/IP communications (often as little as a single normal SYN) without interfering in any way. Version 3 is a complete rewrite of the original codebase, incorporating a significant number of improvements to network-level fingerprinting, and introducing the ability to reason about application-level payloads (e.g., HTTP)."

"If you provide with a pcap that contains fragments, it will reassemble the packets using each of the 5 reassembly engines and show you the result."

"Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. It can easily handle most classical tasks like scanning, tracerouting, probing, unit tests, attacks or network discovery (it can replace hping, 85% of nmap, arpspoof, arp-sk, arping, tcpdump, tethereal, p0f, etc.). It also performs very well at a lot of other specific tasks that most other tools can't handle, like sending invalid frames, injecting your own 802.11 frames, combining technics (VLAN hopping+ARP cache poisoning, VOIP decoding on WEP encrypted channel, ...), etc."

"Sguil (pronounced sgweel) is built by network security analysts for network security analysts. Sguil's main component is an intuitive GUI that provides access to realtime events, session data, and raw packet captures. Sguil facilitates the practice of Network Security Monitoring and event driven analysis. The Sguil client is written in tcl/tk and can be run on any operating system that supports tcl/tk (including Linux, BSD, Solaris, MacOS, and Win32)."

"SniffIt is a Distribted Sniffer System, which allows users to capture network traffic from an unique machine using a graphical client application. This feature is very useful in switched networks, where traditional sniffers only allow users to sniff their own network traffic."

"Snort® is an open source network intrusion prevention and detection system (IDS/IPS) developed by Sourcefire. Combining the benefits of signature, protocol, and anomaly-based inspection, Snort is the most widely deployed IDS/IPS technology worldwide. With millions of downloads and nearly 400,000 registered users, Snort has become the de facto standard for IPS."

"Squert is a web application that is used to query and view event data stored in a Sguil database (typically IDS alert data). Squert is a visual tool that attempts to provide additional context to events through the use of metadata, time series representations and weighted and logically grouped result sets. The hope is that these views will prompt questions that otherwise may not have been asked."

"ssldump is an SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer. It identifies TCP connections on the chosen network interface and attempts to interpret them as SSLv3/TLS traffic. When it identifies SSLv3/TLS traffic, it decodes the records and displays them in a textual form to stdout. If provided with the appropriate keying material, it will also decrypt the connections and display the application data traffic."

"sslsniff is designed to create man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks for SSL/TLS connections, and dynamically generates certs for the domains that are being accessed on the fly. The new certificates are constructed in a certificate chain that is signed by any certificate that is provided. sslsniff also supports other attacks like null-prefix or OCSP attacks to achieve silent interceptions of connections when possible."

"The Suricata Engine is an Open Source Next Generation Intrusion Detection and Prevention Engine. This engine is not intended to just replace or emulate the existing tools in the industry, but will bring new ideas and technologies to the field."

"Tcpdump prints out a description of the contents of packets on a network interface that match the boolean expression. It can also be run with the -w flag, which causes it to save the packet data to a file for later analysis, and/or with the -r flag, which causes it to read from a saved packet file rather than to read packets from a network interface. In all cases, only packets that match expression will be processed by tcpdump."

"tcpick is a textmode sniffer libpcap-based that can track, reassemble and reorder tcp streams. Tcpick is able to save the captured flows in different files or displays them in the terminal, and so it is useful to sniff files that are transmitted via ftp or http. It can display all the stream on the terminal, when the connection is closed in different display modes like hexdump, hexdump + ascii, only printable charachters, raw mode and so on. Available a color mode too, helpful to read and understand better the output of the program. Actually it can handle several interfaces, including ethernet cards and ppp. It is useful to keep track of what users of a network are doing, and is usable with textmode tools like grep, sed, awk."

"Tcpreplay is a suite of GPLv3 licensed tools written by Aaron Turner for UNIX (and Win32 under Cygwin) operating systems which gives you the ability to use previously captured traffic in libpcap format to test a variety of network devices. It allows you to classify traffic as client or server, rewrite Layer 2, 3 and 4 headers and finally replay the traffic back onto the network and through other devices such as switches, routers, firewalls, NIDS and IPS's. Tcpreplay supports both single and dual NIC modes for testing both sniffing and inline devices."

"tcpslice is a tool for extracting portions of packet trace files generated using tcpdump's -w flag. It can combine multiple trace files, and/or extract portions of one or more traces based on time."

"tcpstat reports certain network interface statistics much like vmstat does for system statistics. tcpstat gets its information by either monitoring a specific interface, or by reading previously saved tcpdump data from a file."

"tcpxtract is a tool for extracting files from network traffic based on file signatures."

"TShark is a network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture packet data from a live network, or read packets from a previously saved capture file, either printing a decoded form of those packets to the standard output or writing the packets to a file. TShark's native capture file format is libpcap format, which is also the format used by tcpdump and various other tools."

Part of Snort, u2boat converts unified2 files to pcaps.

Part of Snort, u2spewfoo converts unified2 files to text.

"Wireshark is a GUI network protocol analyzer. It lets you interactively browse packet data from a live network or from a previously saved capture file. Wireshark's native capture file format is libpcap format, which is also the format used by tcpdump and various other tools."
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