It is Yet Another Tensor Toolbox for discontinuous Galerkin methods and other applications. You can find much more information about the package here.
pip install -e .
from yateto import *
def add(g):
N = 8
A = Tensor('A', (N, N))
B = Tensor('B', (N, N, N))
w = Tensor('w', (N,))
C = Tensor('C', (N, N))
kernel = C['ij'] <= 2.0 * C['ij'] + A['lj'] * B['ikl'] * w['k']
g.add(name='kernel', ast=kernel)
# 'd' - double precision; 'hsw' - haswell-like architecture
arch = useArchitectureIdentifiedBy("dhsw")
generator = Generator(arch)
generator.generate(output_dir, GeneratorCollection([LIBXSMM(arch), Eigen(arch)]))