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Adding New Icons as Fonts to the IDE

Dave Haeffner edited this page Jan 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Adding New Icons as Fonts to Selenium IDE

  1. Visit the IcoMoon App
  2. Click Import Icons
  3. Select selenium-ide.json from packages/selenium-ide/fonts and click Load
  4. Once loaded, all of the project's icons will be listed under a collection called Untitled Set. Click the hamburger menu icon at the top-right of the collection and select Import to Set
  5. Choose the SVG files for the new icons you want to add to the project
  6. Click the hamburger menu icon at the top-right of the collection again and select Download JSON
  7. Save the file to packages/selenium-ide/fonts/selenium-ide.json (over-writing the existing file)
  8. On the bottom of the IcoMoon App screen click Generate Font and then click Download
  9. Unzip the downloaded file and open up the fonts folder
  10. Move selenium-ide.svg and selenium-ide.ttf into packages/selenium-ide/src/neo/assets/fonts, overwriting the files of the same name
  11. Go back to the downloaded files and open style.css
  12. Also open packages/selenium-ide/src/neo/styles/font.css
  13. Between the two, identify the newly added styles for the icons you just uploaded, and copy the new entries from style.css into font.css
  14. Remove any color styling from these entries and save font.css
  15. Discard what's left of the downloaded files
  16. Commit and push your changes to the repo
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