In order to run this project you will need to have installed
- Elixir - Backend compiler
- Phoenix - Backend WEB framework
- Postgres - Database
- Docker - In order to run project with docker
git clone <this repo>
cd til
go to project ->
cd backend
setup environments base on
when you want to run app with docker - ask for needed secrets
build ->
docker-compose build
run ->
docker-compose up
export environments
source .env
download dependencies ->
mix deps.get
setup database ->
mix ecto.setup
start project ->
iex -S mix phx.server
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App
- go to project ->
cd frontend
install dependencies ->
npm install
start project ->
npm start
open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- In order to run tests you need to go through raw project setup, and then ->
mix test
- run tests ->
npm test
Comming soon
Comming soon