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Austin1 edited this page Oct 22, 2024 · 5 revisions

Adding your first provider / M3U

  1. Select Streams Tab-> M3U Button
  2. Select the (+) Icon to add your first M3U

Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 1 36 58 PM

Name of Action Description
Source URL or File Insert the URL to the M3U file provided by your stream provider
Name This is just the name of what you want to name this M3U file. Usually its the name of your provider.
Max Streams Sets the maximum number of streams that can be handled at the same time. Default is 1.
Auto Update Configures how often the playlist is updated. Users can set the time interval in hours.
Set CH #s Checkbox option to enable manual setting of channel numbers.
Starting Channel # Sets the starting channel number for the M3U playlist when manual channel numbering is enabled.
URL Regex Option to filter streams based on regular expressions. Example could include removing all VOD channels
Sync Channels Checkbox to synchronize the channels in the playlist with updates from the source URL.
Default Stream Group Dropdown menu to assign the playlist to a specific stream group for easier management.
Key to Identify Each M3U Stream Option to specify how to identify each stream. See Below
Channel Name Field Dropdown to select the field used to display the channel name See Below
M3U8 Command Profile Dropdown to select the command profile for processing the M3U8 streams See Below
Save Button (green checkmark) Saves the current M3U playlist configuration.
Cancel Button (red X) Cancels the operation and closes the "Add M3U" window.
Reset Button (yellow circular arrow) Resets the current configuration to the default or previously saved state.

Key to Identify Each M3U Stream

This is a description of what this function is used to do.

Options Description
URL [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
CUID [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
ChannelId [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
TvgID [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
TvgName [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
TvgName_TvgID [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
Name [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
Name_TvgID [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]

Channel Name Field

This is a description of what this function is used to do.

Options Description
ChannelID [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
ChannelName [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
ChannelNumber [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
Group [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
Name [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
TvgID [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
TvgName [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]

M3U8 Command Profile

This is a description of what this function is used to do.

Options Description
Default [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
mkvToTs [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
Redirect [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
SMFFMPEG [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]
YT [To be completed by someone who knows what each means]

Add an EPG (Episode Program Guide)

  1. Select Streams tab-> EPG
  2. Select the (+) Icon
  3. Complete the section
Name of Action Description
Source URL or File Insert the URL to the EPG XML data file
Name This is just the name of what you want to name this M3U file. Usually its the name of your provider.
ID Sets the color of the EPG data in the SM UI
Auto Update Sets the frequency of the download from the URL (Default: 72 Hours)
EPG # [Someone to complete this with proper definition]
Time Shift [Someone to complete this with proper definition]

Creating Your First Channel Lineup

Create a new Stream Group

A stream group is a logical grouping of channels. Multiple stream groups will allow you to have versions of channel listings for various purposes and applications (e.g., you may want one stream group to go to your mobile device and another stream group for JellyFin).

  1. Select Streams tab-> "SG" Icon at the top of the left pane (Stream Groups) and select the (+) Icon
  2. Complete the form:
    • Name: Give your stream group a name
    • Group Key: This should be auto-populated by the application. Changing this key invalidates any endpoint using this key.
    • Output Profile: These are the various types of output profiles available.
    • Command Profile: The command to use when streaming. Descriptions of profiles can be found above
  3. Select the new Stream Group you created in the top center of the left pane where it defaults to (ALL).
  4. Start adding channels by selecting the plus icon next to each channel on the right pane that you would like to have in this channel group.

Install Your Streams Into Your Favorite App

Obrain your HDHR or M3U Urls

  1. Select Streams-> SG Icon (top left pane)
  2. Next to the Stream Group (default: ALL), right click on the URL type for your application and select Copy Link.
    • HDHR
    • M3U
    • EPG


  1. Open the ChannelsDVR interface and select Settings->Source
  2. Under Live TV -> Select Add Source
  3. Select the type of URL on your clipboard (HDHR or Custom Channels, if you selected the M3U)
  4. For Custom Channels:
    1. Enter a name for your source (e.g., Streammaster)
    2. Important: Change the Stream Format to MPEG-TS
    3. Under Source-> URL, Paste the URL from Streammaster
    4. Go back into SM and copy the EPG URL using the same technique and place under the XMLTV Guide Data url.
    5. Done

